• Math at BPA

    At BPA, our teachers actively engage our students in the development of their mathematical understanding through the use of hands on manipulatives and a variety of math representations. The focus is on our students' conceptual understanding rather than a sequence of procedures. Through the use of GADOE Learning Plans, students develop their mathematical reasoning to apply math concepts and solve complex mathematical problems within real life situations.

    Did you know Georgia has new Math Standards, implemented beginning Fall 2023? Click here for more information provided by Atlanta Public Schools. 

    What mathematics will my child be learning from Kindergarten to 5th Grade?

    Georgia's K-12 Mathematics Parent Letters

    Select your child's grade level to learn more about the mathematics your child will be learning this year.

    Make Mathematics Counts: A Special Series to Support Parents and Guardians with Understanding the Expectations of Teaching and Learning Mathematics

    Make Mathematics Count, GA is a special series to support parents with understanding the expectations of teaching and learning mathematics. Videos and support guides are offered for parents which focus on building foundational numeracy, problem solving and conceptual understanding of grade level/course specific content.  Parents will also learn about the mathematics content and strategies for helping learners develop a deep understanding of mathematical ideas.

    • Kindergarten: In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in kindergarten. Parents will learn about the important role that mathematical practices play as students learn to count and begin to use numbers to solve problems, investigate geometric shapes, begin to make sense of measurement, and investigate data. 
    • 1st Grade: In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in 1st Grade. Parents will learn about the important role that mathematical practices play as students learn about place value and begin to use number strategies to solve problems, investigate geometric shapes, measure objects and investigate data.
    • 2nd Grade: In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in 2nd Grade. Parents will learn about the important role that the mathematical practices play as students deepen their understanding of place value, develop efficient number strategies to solve problems, investigate geometric shapes, measure objects using standard units and further investigate data.
    • 3rd Grade: In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in 3rd Grade. Parents will learn about the important role that the mathematical practices play as students deepen their understanding of place value, develop an understanding of multiplication and division, develop efficient number strategies to solve problems, investigate area and perimeter, explore fractions and fraction equivalence, investigate properties of geometric shapes, measure objects using standard units and further investigate data.
    • 4th Grade: In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in 4th Grade. Parents will learn about the important role that the mathematical practices play as students deepen their understanding of place value, deepen their understanding of multiplication and division, develop efficient number strategies to solve problems involving larger numbers, explore fractions and begin to investigate decimals, explore angle measurement and properties of geometric shapes, measure objects using standard units and further investigate data.
    • 5th Grade: In this video, parents will learn about the mathematics concepts and skills that their student will learn in 5th Grade. Parents will learn about the important role that the mathematical practices play as students deepen their understanding of the place value of decimals and whole numbers, deepen their understanding of multiplication and division, develop efficient number strategies to solve problems involving fractions and decimals, explore relationships of geometric shapes, measure objects using standard units and further investigate data.

    Looking for more support or information?

    Reach out to Morgan King Ray, our math coach, via email at morgan.kingray@apsk12.org with any questions!