
    Fred A. Toomer Library Media Center Selection Policy

    Selection Principles:
    1. Selection of materials is the responsibility of the library media specialist with input from the library media committee, faculty, staff and students.

    2. Selection of material aligns with the goals and vision of the district, school and library media center.

    3. Selection is based on a variety of professional tools including reviews from the following professional journals: The Horn Book, School Library Journal, Kirkus, BookList, and The Bulletin of the Center for Children's Books paying special attention to titles which received starred reviews, as well as evaluation of advanced review material, publisher previews, and peer communication.

    4. Selection of technological materials including software, ebooks, audio-visual materials, and electronic databases must meet the same high standards of quality as print material.

    5. Selection is based on the diverse needs of the students and staff. This includes but is not limited to:

      1. learning styles

      2. ability level

      3. language

      4. cultural heritage

      5. disabilities

      6. student interest

    6. Selection of materials is informed by the current state of the collection.

    7. Selection of materials strives to find a balance between high interest materials and materials of exceptionally high literary quality.

    8. Selection of material takes into account the current learning standards and provides faculty with the necessary resources to teach said standards.

    9. Selection of materials is informed by budgetary priorities or limitations.



    Selection Criteria:
    1. Materials will support and be consistent with the general educational goals of the school.

    2. Materials will encourage students to read for pleasure by appealing to student interests.

    3. Materials will be high-quality in factual content, aesthetic qualities, literary values, and presentation.

    4. Materials will be appropriate for the subject area, age, and developmental level of students which the library serves.

    5. Materials will meet the diverse needs and interests of faculty and students.

    6. Materials will be current and up to date.

    7. Materials will avoid bias when presenting controversial viewpoints.

    8. Materials will come from reputable publishers and from authors, illustrators, or editors whose reputations indicate literary quality and factual accuracy.

    9. Materials will be selected for strengths in helping students gain an awareness of our diverse society.

    10. Materials will adhere to all copyright laws.


    All donations and gifts will be held to the same principles and criteria as purchases or any other acquisitions. Gifts that do not meet the established criteria, do not fill a need in the collection, or are found to be in a condition not acceptable for entering the collection, will be donated or discarded at the discretion of the library media specialist and library media committee.

    More information about Atlanta Public School's Media Materials Selection can be found at https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/Page/48376 



    AASL (1999).  Workbook for Selection Policy Writing.

    http://www.ala.org/advocacy/banned/challengeslibrarymaterials/essentialpreparation/workbookslctn.  Retrieved Jan. 24, 2013.


    Bishop, K. (2007). The Collection Program In Schools: Concepts, Practices, and Information

    Sources.  Westport, CT: Libraries Unlimited.