- Atlanta Board of Education
- Overview
Public Comment
All Atlanta Board of Education meetings, other than executive sessions, shall be open to the public. Meetings are advertised by meeting notices posted at the Atlanta Public Schools (APS) Center for Learning and Leadership (CLL), notifications in the news media, and other appropriate means such as the APS Website. Opportunities for public comments shall be provided at one or more meetings prior to a meeting where official Board action is taken.
Public comment opportunities are available for the Board to hear from interested members of the community. Board members do not provide responses or engage in direct conversation during public hearings. If stakeholders wish to receive an answer to a specific question, inquiries should be directed to the Board office. For public hearings and the monthly community meetings, stakeholders may request a response by completing a written comment form at the speaker sign-in table and/or submitting a dialogue using the Let's Talk application. In addition, members of the community may also submit public comments to the Board at the following email address: boardcomments@atlantapublicschools.us.We value and appreciate the feedback regarding our recent announcement on virtual public comments at our board meetings. First, we acknowledge the concerns raised about the board calendar not updating correctly, and we're happy to inform you that this issue has been resolved. Second, we will continue to offer virtual public comments via Zoom during our board and committee meetings through 2024. Although we will be implementing the new change to match our counterparts statewide, we are committed to providing ample time for you to transition to in-person attendance. Starting January 1, 2025, public comments will only be accepted from individuals attending our monthly meetings in person at the APS Board Office (130 Trinity Ave, Atlanta, GA 30303). As always, meetings will remain accessible for viewing via our YouTube channel (@aboetv8227), ensuring continued public engagement.
Guidelines for Providing Public Comment at Committee Meetings
1. The Board has allocated one hour to hear from the stakeholders on any issue related to that committee.
2. Stakeholders wishing to address the Board must register in person or online at https://tinyurl.com/aboeengage during the committee meeting and prior to the start of public comment. Community members must provide their names, contact information and the agenda item or topic they wish to address.
3. Elected officials may request time to address the Board by contacting the Board’s executive director.
4. If several individuals are concerned with the same issue and share the same opinion, they are encouraged to select a spokesperson to represent the group.
5. Community members signing up to speak will be given up to two (2) minutes. At the end of the two-minute limit, individuals will be asked to end their comments and leave the podium. The Board may elect to hear community comments in any order or sequence and is not limited by the order of the sign-up sheets.
6. Stakeholders presenting highly detailed or complex information are asked to provide a written outline of their comments for Board members.
7. The Board will not take public comment on any personnel issues, which includes but is not limited to: contract non renewals, abolishment of positions, the hiring or firing of staff, or statements regarding the character, professional competence, or the physical or mental health of an individual during public meetings. Communications regarding personnel issues should be sent in writing to: Atlanta Board of Education, 130 Trinity Ave, Atlanta, Georgia 30303.
8. Stakeholders are expected to honor meeting decorum. Applause, cheering, jeering, or speech that defames individuals or blocks meeting progress will not be tolerated and may be cause for removal, adjournment of the meeting and/or suspension from attending future Atlanta Board of Education events, hearings, meetings and other proceedings.
9. Board meeting attendance cannot exceed the seating capacity of the room in which the meeting is scheduled to be held. Whenever possible, the Board will provide overflow seating for the meeting.
Ways to Stay Connected
Ways to Submit Comments in Writing:
- Mail – Atlanta Board of Education|130 Trinity Avenue| Atlanta, Georgia 30303
- Email - boardcomments@atlantapublicschools.us
- Let’s Talk – Communicate with the Board of Education
Board Manuals
Board Policies
- Regulation BC-R(1): Board Meetings - Public Comment
- Regulation BBBA-R(1): Board Member Duties - Community Relations
Stay Connected