


    As we face an unprecedented situation with the closure of schools to prevent the spread of COVID-19, one less concern for parents can be how students will learn. Atlanta Public Schools has taken steps to provide a Distance Learning experience for students in grades 9-12. Classroom teachers will provide constant communication with thier students on what they are responsible for doing as they work from home. Listed below are ways we believe parents can support thier student(s) and how students can be most succesful during this period of Distance Learning.


    Parent Expectations

    • Monitor your students and make sure they are logging into myBackpack every school day.
    • Be aware of how your student is receiving instruction. Is your student(s) teachers only using Edgenuity or Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams.
    • Remind your students to engage politely, respectfully, and meaningfully online.
    • Encourage your students to be active participants in their learning (which may include discussions, collaborations, assessments, presentations, etc.)
    • Check Edgenuity, Google Classroom, or Microsoft Teams to see that assignments and homework are being turned in by the deadlines.
    • Ensure that your student takes appropriate breaks to reduce screen time.
    • Read announcements and email communication received from their teachers.
    • Reach out to your child's teachers to ask questions if you have them.

    Student Expectations

    • Log into myBackpack every school day.
    • Check Edgenuity (and your Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams if your teacher has one) for important information, assignments and videos every school day.
    • Actively participate every school day (which may include discussions, collaborations, assessments, presentations, etc.).
    • Engage politely, respectfully, and meaningfully online.
    • Listen first and ask questions second.
    • Complete all assignments and homework.
    • Turn in assignments by the deadline.
    • Collaborate with peers when asked to do so.
    • Understand and agree all work submitted must represent their original ideas and/or they must appropriately cite all relevant resources. Do not plagarize and copy work from the internet.
    • Read all related directions, links, documents that may be posted in Google Classroom or Microsoft Teams.
    • Email your teachers if you have any questions.
    • Respond to their teachers in a timely manner. Respond to your teachers as soon as possible.