- Peyton Forest Elementary School
- 2023-2024 GO Team Information
Peyton Forest
2023-2024 GO Team Information
GO Team Members
Officer or Representative Position
Email Address
Quentina Pruitt Principal Principal
Quentina.Pruitt@atlanta.k12.ga.us Kristen Roberts Parent/Guardian
kristenroberts21@gmail.com Mellissa Blalock Parent/Guardian
brownmellissa26@gmail.com Parent/Guardian
Kiara Smith Cluster
Instructional Staff
Kiara.smith@atlanta.k12.ga.us Denisha Broadwater Secretary Instructional Staff
Debroadwater@atlanta.k12.ga.us Robert Brown Chair Instructional Staff
Robert.Brown1@atlanta.k12.ga.us Frederick Brownlee Vice-Chair Community Member
Fbrownlee30302@yahoo.com Community Member
Michelle Lopes Swing Seat
Essie.Lopes@atlanta.k12.ga.us Meeting Schedule
Time Link to join virtually
(for hybrid meetings)
Time Allotted for Public Comment
(Yes or No)
9/7/23 3:30-4:30 https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/83952864652?pwd=WVpabDRHeHdyb0NMN3JZRitlNmVYUT09 Virtual No 10/5/23 3:30-4:30 https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/83952864652?pwd=WVpabDRHeHdyb0NMN3JZRitlNmVYUT09 Virtual No 11/02/23 3:30-4:30 https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/83952864652?pwd=WVpabDRHeHdyb0NMN3JZRitlNmVYUT09 Virtual Yes 01/04/24 3:30-4:30 https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/83952864652?pwd=WVpabDRHeHdyb0NMN3JZRitlNmVYUT09 Virtual Yes 02/08/24 3:30-4:30 https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/83952864652?pwd=WVpabDRHeHdyb0NMN3JZRitlNmVYUT09
Virtual Yes 03/07/24 3:30-4:30 https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/83952864652?pwd=WVpabDRHeHdyb0NMN3JZRitlNmVYUT09
Virtual Yes 03/28/24 3:30-4:30 https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/83952864652?pwd=WVpabDRHeHdyb0NMN3JZRitlNmVYUT09
Virtual No Public Comment Protocol
The procedure for speaking at a Peyton Forest GO Team Meeting is as follows:
Use the link provided to sign up for a 6 minute slot. The slot includes 1 minute for introduction and 1 minute for summary recap. Public comment should not exceed 4 minutes.
Signupgenius.com is the format used to procure a time slot. If you do not have internet access, please call Peyton Forest Elementary School at 404-802-7100 and ask to speak to PFES GO Team Secretary, Mrs. Broadwater, to schedule a public comment slot.
Please be aware that GO Team Meetings are not the appropriate forum to discuss individual students’ grades and accommodations.
Meeting Documents
Meeting Date
Agenda / Notice
Meeting Summary or Draft Minutes
Approved Meeting Minutes
Documents Presented at Meeting
Link to Meeting Recording
9/7/23 9.7.23 Agenda and Notice 9.7.23 Meeting Summary 9.7.23 Meeting Minutes September 2023 Go Team PPT 9.7.23 Meeting Recording 10/05/23 10.5.23 Agenda 10.5.23 Meeting Summary 10.5.23 Meeting Minutes October 2023 Go Team PPT 10.5.23 Meeting Recording 11/02/23 11.2.23 Meeting Summary 11.2.23 Meeting Minutes 11.2.23 Conversation with APS Department 11.2.23 Meeting Recording 01/04/24 01.04.24 Meeting Notice and Agenda 1.4.24 Meeting Summary 1.4.24 Meeting Minutes 1.4.24 Meeting Recording 2/8/24 Meeting Notice and Agenda 2.8.24 Meeting Summary 2.8.24 Meeting Minutes 2.8.24 Budget Allocation PPT 2.8.24 Video Recording 3/7/24 3.7.24 Meeting Summary 3.7.24 Meeting Minutes 3.7.24 Budget Approval Meeting PPT 3.7.24 Meeting Recording 3/28/24 Meeting Agenda 3.28.24 Meeting Summary 3.28.24 Meeting Minutes 3.28.24 Meeting PPT 3.28.24 Meeting Recording Strategic Plan
School Strategic Plan 2021-2025
Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule
Committee Name
Location / Link to attend virtually
Link to Committee Meeting Recording
For information about GO Teams and GO Team resources, please visit the District GO Team website by clicking on the image below.