- Finch Elementary School
- 2023-2024 GO Team Information
Finch Elementary
2023-2024 GO Team Information
GO Team Members
Officer or Representative Position
Email Address
Dr. Tara Spencer Principal
Tara.spencer@atlanta.k12.ga.us Ms. Shaneka Parks Parent/Guardian
shaneka9702@gmail.com Ms. Edwina Lawrence Parent/Guardian
eilawrence@outlook.com Ms. Xiomara Bailey Parent/Guardian
xixib7@gmail.com Ms. Erin Gore Cluster Representative Instructional Staff
Erin.gore@atlanta.k12.ga.us Mrs. Seggee Davis Chair Instructional Staff
Seggee.Terrelldav@atlanta.k12.ga.us Ms. Tesia Germain Secretary Instructional Staff
Tesia.Germain@atlanta.k12.ga.us Mr. Terry Lee Community Member
terry.lee2@yahoo.com Ms. Adriana Sola Community Member
solaadriana@hotmail.com Dr. Regana Hill Co-Chair Swing Seat
rhill@atlanta.k12.ga.us Public Comment Protocol
Opportunities for public comment are available for Finch Elementary School GO TEAM to hear from members of the community.
- If the meeting is held virtually, stakeholders wishing to provide comments during GO TEAM meetings should join the link at least 10 minutes before the meeting begins and sign in.
- If the meeting is held face to face, stakeholders wishing to provide comments during GO TEAM meetings should arrive at the Finch Elementary Media Center at least ten (10) minutes before the meeting begins and sign in. Stakeholders’ comments will be heard in the order in which individuals signed in.
- Twenty (20) minutes of time during the GO TEAM meeting will be offered to the public to make comments. Everyone is asked to please plan to speak no more than two (2) minutes.
GO TEAM members will not provide a response or engage in direct conversation during meetings.
Meeting Schedule
Time Link to join virtually
(for hybrid meetings)
Time Allotted for Public Comment
(Yes or No)
9/7/2023 3:30PM https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/2732527074?pwd=bit1Ti9ZL2RweldVRkdQMVN1SFpPUT09
Zoom No 9/20/2023 4:00PM https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/2732527074?pwd=bit1Ti9ZL2RweldVRkdQMVN1SFpPUT09 Zoom No 10/19/2023 4:00PM https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/2732527074?pwd=bit1Ti9ZL2RweldVRkdQMVN1SFpPUT09 Zoom Yes 11/30/2023 4:00PM https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/2732527074?pwd=bit1Ti9ZL2RweldVRkdQMVN1SFpPUT09 Zoom Yes 2/8/2024 4:00PM https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/2732527074?pwd=bit1Ti9ZL2RweldVRkdQMVN1SFpPUT09 Zoom Yes 3/14/2024 4:00PM https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/2732527074?pwd=bit1Ti9ZL2RweldVRkdQMVN1SFpPUT09 Zoom Yes 5/9/2024 4:00PM https://atlantapublicschools-us.zoom.us/j/2732527074?pwd=bit1Ti9ZL2RweldVRkdQMVN1SFpPUT09 Zoom Yes Meeting Documents
Strategic Plan
Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule
Committee Name
Location / Link to attend virtually
Link to Committee Meeting Recording
For information about GO Teams and GO Team resources, please visit the District GO Team website by clicking on the image below.