Teachers and students

Certification Upgrades

  • Please note: Certification upgrades are approved by GaPSC and are not solely based on program completion.

    For more information on Certification Upgrades, click HERE. Use the Upgrade Advisory Tool to ensure your program aligns with your current certification(s). If the upgrade is for a New Field, GaPSC may require additional steps.

    New Fields of study require completing an approved GaPSC program and passing the GACE Exam(s) in the specific content area(s).


      • Teacher Certification

        The quicker and preferred method is to request your upgrade via your MyPSC account. If you would like to use this option, please follow these simple steps:

        1. Go to your MyPSC. If you do not have an account, you can register for an account at that time.
        2. On the homepage, click Application and follow directions accordingly.
        3. If you have never completed a VLP, complete the VLP and upload a valid, unexpired form of I.D.
        4. College transcripts cannot be opened and scanned.  They should be mailed directly to the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.
        5. Monitor your “MyPSC” account for updates.
        6. When your upgrade is complete, the PSC will notify you via your “MyPSC” account. Important: Scan and email your upgraded certificate to your Certification Specialist by the last day of your work schedule (ex. 191 day, 200 day, 220 day employee). If this is not done within 30 days of PSC issuance, your retro pay will be impacted. See Certificate Upgrades that result in Salary Increases.



      • Service Upgrade

        If you would like the APS Human Resources Department to handle your upgrade please follow these simple steps: 

        1. Complete the Certification Update Application
        2. Complete the Verification of Lawful Presence (VLP) Form. Please be sure that the form is signed and notarized.
        3. Include a copy of a valid form of identification. (List of options is on the VLP)
        4. Obtain an official sealed transcript from the college or university where you earned your upgraded degree.
        5. Send all Documents via inter-office or deliver to:  Attention To: Human Resources - Certification
        6. When your upgrade is complete, the PSC will notify you via your “MyPSC” account. Important: Scan and email your upgraded certificate to your Certification Specialist by the last day of your work schedule (ex. 191 day, 200 day, 220 day employee). See Certificate Upgrades that result in Salary Increases


      Salary Increase

      • Certificate Upgrades that result in Salary Increases

        Georgia educator salaries are partly determined by the level listed on an educator’s certificate:

        • General (teacher/service) levels: Apply to any position requiring certification.
        • Leader levels: Apply only to positions requiring leadership certification.

        For more information about certificate levels, please see Understanding Your GA Certificate.

        As a valued employee of Atlanta Public Schools, the Human Resources Department wants to be able to quickly adjust your salary if applicable. To do this, please note the following:

        • The Compensation Department must receive a copy of your upgraded Certificate. Please scan and email your Compensation Specialist.
        • Your pay change for applicable upgraded certificates will be instituted based on the PSC issue date AND if the employee submits a copy of the certificate to HR within 30 days of the issue date.  Upgrades will be retroactively paid per the effective day of the certificate.  We will honor this up to June 30th of the employee contract year.  Anything after June 30th of the employee contract would not go into effect until the following contract year.
        • If your certificate is not effective on the first day of work, your upgraded salary will be prorated based on the number of workdays worked. 

      Add-Ons/ Conversions

      • Certificate Add-Ons/ Conversions

        To add a field or convert a field on your certificate:

        1. Log in to your MyPSC account. If you do not have an account, visit the Georgia Professional Standards Commission’s website to set-up a “MyPSC” account. 
        2. On the homepage, click Application and follow directions accordingly.
        3. If you have never completed a VLP, complete the VLP and upload a valid, unexpired form of I.D.
        4. College transcripts cannot be opened and scanned.  They should be mailed directly to the Georgia Professional Standards Commission.
        5. Monitor your “MyPSC” for updates