
Advanced Placement




     AP Daily: Live Review sessions begin TODAY! 

    Set a reminder to watch today's lesson for your course. 

    South Atlanta High School is proud to participate in the Advanced Placement program. The Advanced Placement program is owned by CollegeBoard and they have very specific guidelines that are required of all the participating schools around the country, including the cost, dates and times of the exams.  The AP program is meant to be a standardized measure of a student’s knowledge base in specific content areas.  It is also intended to provide high school students with an opportunity to experience a college level curriculum.  Research strongly supports the hypothesis that a college-like experience in high school leads to greater success in college as measured by GPA, years to complete college and college completion.

    South Atlanta High School offers the following AP courses: 


    AP Biology                     

    AP Calculus AB                         

    AP English Language

    AP English Literature     

    AP Macroeconomics            

    AP US History   

    AP World History                  

    AP 2-D Art Studio


              AP courses are considered Honors level classes and students receive Honors weight in the computation of GPA.  Courses are subject to the approval of the Atlanta Board of Education and CollegeBoard.  Either entity can determine whether or not a class curriculum fulfills the needs of the student body and/or the AP program and whether or not it will be continued or discontinued.  The AP program also allows students not enrolled in an AP course to take an AP exam.  If a student wishes to take an AP exam in a content area in which we do not provide instruction, please contact the AP Coordinators at South Atlanta High School: Mr. Farod Brooks.


              There are many benefits to participating in the AP program.  It is our position that every student needs to assess his academic status and academic goals and balance these with personal priorities.  We encourage all students to pursue rigorous and challenging high school curricula that will allow them to grow towards their potential and make them stronger candidates when applying to college.  The benefits of participating in the AP Program include:


    • An acquisition of a deeper understanding and knowledge base of the subject matter
    • An enhanced college candidacy through willingness to challenge themselves with the most rigorous courses offered at South Atlanta High School
    • An overt demonstration of ability to be successful in a college level class
    • The potential to earn college credit which leads to less out-of-pocket expenses and a shorter college career
    • An improvement of GPA, class rank and potential for financial reward.  


              There might be concerns about the initial cost, which may be refundable, and the change in lifestyle that may occur due to the significant amount of time required by the curriculum.


              The cost of each AP exam is $87.00.  There are fee reductions available for students with financial need. Exam fees are expected to be paid in full with a check payable to South Atlanta High School before March 1st.  The 2019 exam schedule is as follows:


    The 2019 AP Exams will be administered over two weeks in May: May 6 through 10 and May 13 through 17. Coordinators are responsible for notifying students when and where to report for the exams. Early testing or testing at times other than those published by the College Board is not permitted under any circumstances.


     2021 Exam Schedule

    8:00 a.m. Local Time

    12:00 p.m. Local Time

    2:00 p.m. Local Time

    May 3, 2021

    United States Government and Politics

    Physics C: Mechanics

    Physics C: Electricity and Magnetism

    May 4, 2021

    Calculus AB

    Calculus BC

    German Language and Culture

    Human Geography


    May 5, 2021

    English Literature and Composition

    Japanese Language and Culture (computer based)

    Physics 1: Algebra-Based


    May 6, 2021

    United States History

    Art History

    Computer Science A


    May 7, 2021


    Spanish Literature and Culture

    European History

    Physics 2: Algebra-Based



    8:00 a.m. Local Time

    12:00 p.m. Local Time

    May 10, 2021

    French Language and Culture

    World History: Modern


    May 11, 2021


    Spanish Language and Culture



    May 12, 2021

    English Language and Composition


    Music Theory

    May 13, 2021*


    May 14, 2021


    Italian Language and Culture

    Chinese Language and Culture (computer based)

    Environmental Science

    May 17, 2021*

    Comparative Government and Politics

    Computer Science Principles



    Equal Access Statement: In order to provide access to rigorous curriculum for all students there is no application process or placement criteria for students who wish to enjoy the AP experience. To read more about equity in the AP program across the country click here. There is also a great article that discusses, specifically, the success and struggle of urban children in AP classes. If you have any questions about the program please feel free to contact our AP coordinator.



    Courses Offered:

    English Langauage 

    English Literature

    Calculus A/B



    US History

    2D Design








    AP Coordinator - Dwayne Carter dcarter@apsk12.org

    Dwayne Carter

    Biology Teacher

    Science Department Chair

    AP Coordinator

    South Atlanta High School


    Twitter: @SAtlantaScience