Attendance Policy

  • Time and Attendance

    • Doors open at 7:10am
    • Hot Breakfast Ends at 7:45a
    • Grab and Go Breakfast Ends at 8:00am
    • 1st Block begins at 8:00am
    • Monday - Thursday Dismissal begins at 3:15pm
    • Friday Dismissal begins at 1:45pm

    Students are considered tardy if they arrive to school after 8am.

    Late pickup is any time after 4:00pm. 

    Frequent unexcused absences, tardies, and/or late pickups may result in a social worker referral. 

    Excessive tardies, absences, and/or late pickups may result in address verification. 

    In order for an absence to be excused, parents must contact the main office or send a note detailing a valid reason for the absence to school with the student. 

    School attendance is mandatory for students in Georgia between the ages of 6 and 16. 

    In order to address truancy and attendance, Georgia state law (HB 1190) requires that communities and schools work together to address truancy. The local school team will make reasonable attempts to develop plans of action in collaboration with families if and when a student is experiencing frequent or chronic absenteeism. If the problem persists, the school social worker may be required to refer cases to an outside agency such as DFCS. 

    More information can be found at the following links: