- Jean Childs Young Middle School
- Mission of "The Den" @ Young
“Jean Childs Young Middle School, an Atlanta Public School (APS), is currently embarking upon an exciting and innovative on-site wraparound support initiative named “The Den.” With a highly anticipated opening Fall 2020, “The Den” at Young Middle will provide on-site comprehensive holistic support for every child in the following four areas: Social Emotional Well Being; Academic Success; Basic Needs Supports; and Access and Exposure.
With the help of community stakeholders, our vision of becoming the first middle school in the State of Georgia to offer comprehensive on-site “wraparound” services to our 800+ students, through a dedicated center, is clearly within reach. To achieve this goal, we must transform and repurpose an entire wing of our school, as well as partner with local and statewide agencies, to provide mental and physical health services, a calm down space, tutorial support, basic need support (ex. uniforms, school supplies, personal health items), extra-curricular activities, mentoring, and career exploration.”