• Gifted & Talented Parents and Students:  

    Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year. We are excited to have your student here with us at Jean Childs Young Middle School. Thank you for letting us serve your creative, talented and motivated student. The Gifted and Talented program here at Young Middle School will be monitored by Dr. Sheree Turner, the Gifted eligibility team and the gifted teachers on the 6th-8th grade levels. Our teachers are gifted certified and implement the gifted standards in their content areas along with our signature IB program tenets.  

    Our delivery model for gifted services is Advanced Content and Collaborative. Teachers of the Advanced Content courses are gifted certified, and students are enrolled in Advanced Content classes with gifted-endorsed teachers who have professional development in the characteristics of and curriculum design for gifted learners. The Advanced Content model is implemented in our 7th and 8th grade math classes. Advanced content courses meet the requirements of the Georgia Board Rule 160-4-2-.38.  

    Students are served through their Language Arts, Social Studies, & Science courses with the collaborative model  

    In addition to traditional classroom instruction, Gifted & Talented students also have the opportunity to stretch themselves intellectually through projects and extracurricular activities. Gifted & Talented students are strongly encouraged to complete an Academic Fair project in Science, Social Studies, or Technology. 

    Should you have any questions, comments or concerns, please feel free to contact me at the email address listed below. You may also see the answers to Gifted and Talented Education in Middle School Frequently Asked Questions on the Young Middle School website on the Gifted page and on the attached link.  


    Thank you, 

    Sheree Turner, Ph.D., Gifted Lead Teacher sdturner@apsk12.org  



APS Gifted and Talented Program

  • Please visit the Atlanta Public Schools Gifted and Talented website for more information. You will find answers to frequently asked questions about how we identify, serve, enrich, and support gifted students: https://www.atlantapublicschools.us/Page/20890.
    Thank you so much for your support.
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