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    Greetings and welcome to Frederick Wilson Benteen Elementary School, home of the mighty Bulldogs, where  “BRILLIANCE Rises to the TOP”! 


    My name is Lynne Salters, and I am the Parent Liaison for Benteen Elementary School. I am pleased to assist you by becoming a link between the school, home, and the community. Your active engagement in your child’s school is the first foundation in their overall development that leads them to a successful education future. My role as your Parent Liaison is to lead the parental involvement efforts for our school by maintaining our Title 1 compliance while providing parents/ families and community stakeholders with valuable information, support, and community resources.


    My experience includes 29 years of service in the Atlanta Public Schools' educational system as an instructional support staff member, afterschool director, assistant instructed in afterschool clubs, and working the sporting events.  


    I hold a certificate in Family Engagement in Education from Harvard, a Bachelor of Science in Business from the University of Phoenix. Attending Liberty University pursuing a  Master's degree in Human Services : Parenting and Child/Adolescent Development . 


    If you have any questions, I can be reached at 404-802-7318. I may be reached via email at ljsalters@atlanta.k12.ga.us.

     “ Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn” Benjamin Franklin


    Lynne J. Salters

    Parent Liaison