- Springdale Park Elementary School
- 2024-2025 GO Team Information
Springdale Park
2024-2025 GO Team Information
All school systems in the State of Georgia were recently required to select a new district operating model. As a result, beginning July 1, 2016, Atlanta Public Schools became a Charter System, which means our district is working to create more freedom and flexibility for our schools to find new ways to boost student achievement. The best part — parents, educators and community members now share in the decision-making process by joining the school’s GO Team.
Who's on a GO Team?
GO Team Members
Name Officer or Representative Position Role Email Address Jennifer Toney Principal jennifer.toney@atlanta.k12.ga.us David Reed Parent/Guardian dreed@ktslaw.com Kyle Snyder Parent/Guardian snyder.kl@gmail.com Tim Langan Cluster Representative Parent/Guardian t_langan@hotmail.com Katy Allen Secretary Instructional Staff katallen@atlanta.k12.ga.us Shenise White Instructional Staff rswhite@atlanta.k12.ga.us Melissa Sapp Vice Chair Instructional Staff melissa.sapp@atlanta.k12.ga.us Kim Bishop Community Member kim@myafterschoolprogram.com Vy Nguyen Community Member Anhvy.nguyen@gmail.com Laura Strong Chair Swing Seat laura.marshall@gmail.com Meeting Schedule
Meeting Date Meeting Time Time Allotted for Public Comment (Yes or No) Link to view virtually (required) & Location if hybrid Meeting Notice Meeting Agenda Meeting Summary or Draft Minutes Meeting Recording Presentation & Meeting Documents Approved Minutes 8/19/24 3:00 pm Rutland Conference Room
Zoom Meeting ID: 4048026051
Password: sparkMeeting Notice Agenda Draft Minutes 8/19/24 Meeting Recording See recording Approved Minutes 9/16/24 3:00 Yes STEAM Lab
Zoom Meeting ID: 4048026051
Password: sparkMeeting Notice Agenda Draft Minutes 9/16/24 Meeting Recording See recording Approved Minutes 10/21/24 3:00 Yes STEAM Lab
Zoom Meeting ID: 4048026051
Password: sparkMeeting Notice Agenda Draft Minutes Approved Minutes 12/2/24 3:00 Yes STEAM Lab
Zoom Meeting ID: 4048026051
Password: sparkMeeting Notice Agenda 1/27/24 3:00 Yes STEAM Lab
Zoom Meeting ID: 4048026051
Password: spark2/10/24 3:00 Yes STEAM Lab
Zoom Meeting ID: 4048026051
Password: spark3/3/24 3:00 Yes STEAM Lab
Zoom Meeting ID: 4048026051
Password: spark4/14/24 3:00 Yes STEAM Lab
Zoom Meeting ID: 4048026051
Password: sparkStrategic Plan
Click the image below to enlarge
Midtown Cluster Advisory Team (CAT)
As a part of our charter district status, the Midtown Cluster created a Cluster Advisory Team. This team of 7 parents and 7 principals (from 7 Midtown Cluster schools) is part of an APS-driven cluster planning initiative designed to create a common vision and strategic plan for the future of each cluster within APS. CLICK HERE to learn more.
For information about GO Teams and GO Team resources, please visit the District GO Team website by clicking on the image below.