The ABCs of NAHS
ACT - (American College Testing) - one of the major assessments for college admission
ADAP - (Alcohol and Drug Awareness Program) - required for a drivers' license; students complete ADAP as part of personal fitness
AP - (Advanced Placement) - courses that can earn college credit and placement
APS - (Atlanta Public Schools)
ASVAB - (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery) - administered to 10th and 11th graders to gain insights' into student occupational aptitudes
CAS - (Creativity, Action, Service) - community service component of IB curriculum
CPP - (Campus Portal for Parents) - an online resource for parents to track grades, attendance, and other classroom information for their students
DBQ - (Data Based Question or Document Based Question) - essay written frequently in AP and IB courses, particularly history
EE - (Extended Essay) - an independent research essay required for IBD
EOC - (End of Course) - the high school version of the Georgia Milestones administered in select courses
GHP - (Governor's Honors Program) - a summer instructional program for intellectually gifted or artistically talented kids
GPA - (Grade Point Average) - calculated on the numeric average of final semester grades; weighted GPA adds points for AP and IB courses
HL - (Higher Level) - one of two levels of IB classes that students are required to take
IB - (International Baccalaureate) - curriculum recognized around the world for its academic rigor
IBDP - (International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme) - an option for all IB students in their junior and senior year; a great college resume enhancer
MYP - (Middle Years Programme) - the IB curriculum for 6th-10th grade; all NAHS students are MYP students
NA, NAH, NAHS - (North Atlanta, North Atlanta High, North Atlanta High School) - your place of work for the next four years
PSAT - (Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test) - prep test for SAT; all 11th graders take the PSAT; 9th and 10th graders are encouraged to take it
PTSA - (Parent Teacher Student Association) - now you can join!
JROTC - (Junior Reserve Officers' Training Corps) - a US Army leadership program offered at NA through the International Business & Marketing SLC
SAT - (Scholastic Achievement Test) - one of the major assessments for college admission
SL - (Standard Level) - one of two levels of IB classes that students are required to take
TOK - (Theory of Knowledge) - required IB course that encourages critical thinking skills