• Stay Connected

    High school is a time when students need to learn self-sufficiency, but it’s a good idea to stay informed about what is happening with your student and at North Atlanta. Here are some suggested ways to make sure you stay on top of the latest news and developments:


    Infinite Campus- Parent Portal

    If you already have an account with the APS online grade book, then there is no need to sign up; your student's information will roll over.  If you are new to APS and need to establish an Infinite Campus account click here.
    Warrior Weekly
    Want to submit information to our weekly newsletter?  Please email your information to:  northatlantanews@gmail.com
    Our weekly email on Sunday nights details upcoming events and other important announcements.  Click here to sign up for email distribution.

    North Atlanta App

    There is an app for us! Click here to install the app and then manage your notifications to get the latest NAHS information.  http://siap.ps/a64dd8

    Web Site

    Bookmark this site!  We are constantly adding updates and new content to the site.  Check back often.
    Parent/Teacher Conferences
    Each grade level has regularly scheduled conference times. Contact your academy leader for details on upcoming conference opportunities.
    PTSA Coffee Talks
    These monthly meetings are held on various days and evenings and feature updates from our principal, special programs and general school news.  Check the calendar for upcoming meeting dates.