- Springdale Park Elementary School
- After School Clubs
After School Clubs
My After School Program Extracurricular Programs are now available at Springdale Park Elementary through SPAS (Springdale Park After School)
SPAS is excited to provide a variety of STEAM and athletic programs each afternoon starting in the Fall! My After School Program has been the provider of quality after school enrichment programming for Jackson, Morningside and Smith After School for over 15 years. We have collaborated with each program to provide the best after school enrichment possible. All extracurricular programs are offered to any enrolled student at Springdale Park in grades K-5, even if your child is not enrolled in the on-site SPAS program! Parents have the option to enroll their student in any of the programs (some are grade leveled) as long as their child is enrolled at Springdale Park Elementary.
There are two sessions of SPAS Extracurricular Programs. Fall session and Winter-Spring session. Each class meets once a week for 10-12 weeks. We observe all APS holidays, teacher workdays and school closures. At the end of a class, students can either be picked up by a parent of caregiver at the end of class OR if enrolled, they can transition back into the SPAS after care program.
To register your child, parents must create a profile on our website, www.myafterschoolprogram.com. If you have an existing profile for SPAS aftercare or from a Summer camp, you should use that same profile to register for extracurricular classes. Class capacities are limited to 15 children per class as we transition back into the full-time school day and maintain COVID protocols.
Extracurricular/Enrichment questions? Email Beth Geurin, Coordinator beth@myafterschoolprogram.com