Update Personal Data In Employee Self-Service

  • Here are instructions on how to access, review, and update your employee profile, demographic details, personal contact information, and emergency contact details in Employee Self-Service (ESS).


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  • Step 1: Click on "EMPLOYEES" in the top right-hand corner of the APS District website. Figure 1.
  • Step 2: Click on "Infor/Lawson Employee Self Service (Internal Use)" icon listed on the APS Employee Tools & Information page. Figure 2.
  • Step 3: Click on the "Edit Profile" icon. Figure 3.
  • Step 4: Review your demographic information on the "At A Glance" page. 1. Review your gender | 2. Review, update, or add email address(es) and phone number(s). See Figures 5 & 6 | 3. Update your Marital Status | 4. Review & Update your Race/Ethnicity.
  • NOTE: If you have a name change request, send your request and proper documentation (updated social security card) to the HR Records Analysts for your cluster. Figure 4. Changes to the page are captured with you click the SAVE button in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
  • Step 5. Review your contact information on the Personal Information page. 1. Contact Information: Review, update, or add email address(es) and phone number(s) | 2. Emergency Contacts: Review, update, or add emergency contact(s) | 3. Addresses: Review, update, or add address(es).
  • Step 5A. Right-click on the row you want to update. Select the update/change option. A new window will open. Figure 5.1
  • Step 5B. Enter today's date as the effective date. Enter the new information. Click Submit. Figure 5.2