- APS Division of Finance
- Procurement Services Overview
Procurement Services is the central procurement office for the Atlanta Public Schools. We are the Primary Agent entrusted to procure millions of dollars worth of quality goods and services at the most economical cost or best value in accordance with the purchasing policy and regulations for the Atlanta Public Schools district.
Our Mission...Provide a selection of quality goods, services, and suppliers for the use of APS students and staff, accomplished through purchasing principles of acceptable value at best price, transparency, and equal and fair competition in compliance with board policy and state/federal law.
Our Values...Remain dedicated to providing the best value for taxpayer's dollar.Our Vision...Use qualified, well-trained staff and state-of-the-art technology to provide our customers with the supplies and services necessary in carrying out the District's mission in a timely and cost effective manner. We will seek continuous improvement through self-assessment to maintain a model procurement program based on industry best practices.APS offers a variety of business opportunities for interested companies.
We encourage your participation to bid or propose for goods and services contracts such as supplies, maintenance, instructional materials, technology, equipment, construction, consulting, management and much more. These goods and services are procured via purchasing card for small purchases and through competitive processes, i.e. phone/fax quotes; Invitations to Bid, Requests for Proposals, and Requests for Qualifications.We want to ensure that your company understands our procurement process, the procedures and requirements for doing business with our District. We would like to start by suggesting that you take a moment to review our Procurement Procedures Manual. This should help answer the basic questions about how and what we buy.In addition, listed below are easy steps to receive maximum business opportunities with the Atlanta Public Schools:- Complete the online registration process and submit to Procurement Services (no fee required). Your application will be processed within 5-7 days. You will be issued a vendor number and your company will be placed on our APS registered vendor list for the goods/service(s) you provide.
- Register your company in Team Georgia Marketplace. You may do so by logging onto the State Purchasing website: www.doas.ga.gov. From the global navigation bar, click on the word "Suppliers." This will take you to the Supplier Portal. Under the Direct Links heading, click on Team Georgia Marketplace and then determine if you are a "Sourcing Bidder" or "Supplier." Complete all the required information regarding your company.
- Stay abreast of our current opportunities by clicking here.
Disclaimer: No payments will be made for work performed before a purchase order is issued by the Department of Procurement Services. Vendors who commence work before they have received a valid purchase order do so at their own risk.The Atlanta Public Schools District does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, disability, marital status or sexual orientation, or veteran status in any of its employment practices, educational programs, services or activities.
APS Procurement Services Staff
Crystal Pierson - Executive Director of Purchasing and Warehouse Operations Services
Crystal.Pierson@atlanta.k12.ga.usCheryl Bullock - Procurement Director
Christie Allen - Purchasing Agent
Alicia White - Purchasing Agent
Lorenzo Presley – Senior Buyer
Dorothy Hill – Senior Buyer
Joshua Clack - Senior Buyer, Contract Compliance
Canettra Petty - Procurement Associate (Buyer)
Shakeelah Raaid - Procurement Associate (Buyer)Shytavia Jewsome - Procurement Associate (Buyer)

CONGRATULATIONS!!! The APS Procurement Services Team has been awarded the prestigious 23rd Annual Achievement of Excellence in Procurement® (AEP) for 2019 from the National Procurement Institute, Inc. (NPI). The AEP Award is earned by public and non-profit organizations that obtain a high application score based on standardized criteria. The AEP is awarded annually to recognize Innovation, Professionalism, E-Procurement, Productivity, and Leadership in the procurement function. The APS district is one of 26 school districts to earn this award nationally.