- Hollis Innovation Academy
- 2019-2020 News
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5th Grade Teacher Published in Forbes Magazine
Jhanai Clark, 5th grade teacher, contributes to article in Forbes magazine.
New Upper School Assistant Principal for 2020-2021
Mr. Lamar Billups will join Hollis as the 7th & 8th Grade Administrator* at the start of the 2020-2021 school year.
34 Hollis students place in District Technology Fair
Hollis had 34 students to win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place at the District Technology & Innovation Fair on January 11.
Dr. Ford & Hollis students share the "State of the School" at Westside Future Fund Transform Westside Summit
After an energetic introduction by the Hollis Drumline, several students captivated the audience at the Westside Future Fund Transform Westside Summit with key facts about Hollis.
Basketball program receives $3,500 donation
Fly Guy DC and Malik J. Hall presented the Hollis basketball program with a gift of $3,500 on Friday, December 6.
Hollis students receive free vision screenings and free eyeglasses
National Vision, Inc. and America's Best Contacts & Eyeglasses® provided free vision screenings for Hollis students, and returned a few weeks later to deliver prescription eyeglasses for students who needed them.
Mercedes-Benz USA Makes Huge Contributions to Hollis
Mercedes-Benz USA demonstrated their commitment to promoting literacy by delivering "Literacy Bags" to Hollis students, then by contributing $10,000 to literacy initiatives, including the school's big "Camp Read-A-Lot" Kickoff held on November 13.
Hollis Receives a Generous Donation of Musical Instruments
Hollis was selected by The Mr. Holland’s Opus Foundation to receive a donation of musical instruments.
Hollis Receives 2 District Awards at the APyeS! Awards
In addition to recognizing our awesome “Excellence in Teaching” honoree and our “Students First” honoree at the APyeS! Awards, Hollis also received two 2019-2020 District awards.
Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) results show academic increases for Hollis students
Hollis students continue to show steady academic increases on the Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS) across all subject areas.
2019 CCRPI Data is Released
Hollis remains committed to steady growth and increases after release of 2019 CCRPI data.
Hollis Cheerleaders Place 4th out of 16 at First Competition
Hollis cheerleaders competed for the very first time as a team on Saturday, October 19, and placed 4th out 16 teams!
Hollis Hosts EL Education National Pre-Conference Site Visit
On Wednesday, October 16, prior to the EL Education National Conference in Atlanta, Hollis welcomed more than 70 visitors and educational leaders from around the country for a Pre-Conference site visit.
Mr. Hollis & Miss Hollis Attend Washington Coronation
Future Bulldogs, Mr. Hollis (Camirez Riley) & Miss Hollis (Ta’Niah Gates), attended the Washington High School Coronation alongside Mr. & Miss BTW.
Hollis Celebrates 1st Homecoming Coronation in School's History
On Friday, September 27, the Hollis Community gathered to celebrate the first Homecoming Coronation in the school's history.
Hollis officially charters National Junior Mathematics Club
At the beginning of September 2019, Hollis officially chartered a chapter of Chi Alpha Mu National Junior Mathematics Club.
Upper School students enjoy new technology contributed by AT&T and Westside Future Fund
On Friday, August 16, Upper School students (5th - 8th grades) gathered in the gymnasium for an exhilarating Community Meeting, the first of the 2019-20 school year.
Superintendent Dr. Meria Carstarphen Visits Hollis
Atlanta Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Meria Carstarphen visited Hollis on Wednesday, August 14, to view the newly renovated facilities.
Hollis Prepares for EL Education National Conference in Atlanta
In October, thousands of educators from schools across the country will come to Atlanta for deep learning around the 3 Dimensions of Learning during the EL Education 2019 National Conference! Hollis is the only EL Education School in the Atlanta Public Schools, and will serve as one of several awesome professional development site seminars!
Hollis Welcomes a New Partnerships Project Manager!
Hollis is excited to announce a new member of our Engagement Team! Please join us in welcoming Shameika Marshall-Corbin as our new Partnerships Project Manager!
New Upper School Assistant Principal
Ms. Danika Woods will begin serving as Assistant Principal of Middle School at the start of the 2019-2020 school year.