•  The Accelerated Reader Program
    Accelerated Reader
    For more than 25 years, the AR program has been in existence.  The program is designed to monitor and manage students'  independent reading practice.  The Atlanta Public Schools subscribes to the Accelerated Reader Enterprise which allows students to read almost any book and take a quiz on it.  Since the beginning of the pandemic, students are able to take their AR quiz at school and at home by accessing the Renaissance Learning app via  https://mybackpack.apsk12.org.
    AR BookFinder
    Should you have a question as to whether or not a book is on AR, visit www.arbookfind.com .  You can access this site at school, the public library, a book store, or even at home.  If the book in question is on AR, AR BookFinder will provide you with the quiz number, the reading level, Lexile measure, and the maximum amount of points that can be earned.
    Renaissance Home Connect
    Renaissance Home Connect is a way for parents to monitor and encourage their child's reading practice.  Now parents will know how well their child did on an AR quiz and get to see the books they have read already.  To access this site, go to https://hosted115.renlearn.com/51385/homeconnect , then enter the student's username (APS network ID) and password (their lunch number) that they use at school to login to the APS network.