• Race2Read logo


    Each school year, Atlanta Public Schools sets a reading goal for the entire district to reach by the end of the school year.  For this school year, the district's goal is for the entire Atlanta Public Schools family to read collectively for 10,000,000 minutes by the end of the school year.  Benteen's goal for this school year is 258,000 minutes by the end of the end of May 2023.  Last school year we exceeded our goal, and are looking forward to exceeding it again this year.

    Our brilliant students are busy reading for their twenty minutes each day and logging the minutes along with the resources read on Beanstack our electronic reading log.  They are able to access Beanstack via https://mybackpack.apsk12.org. using their very own APS username and password.  Mrs. Brightharp, displays the weekly updates on a bulletin board in the Benteen Library Media Center.

    The object of this reading challenge is to involve the entire Benteen community.  We define our community as non-homeroom staff members, parents, family members and our neighbors.  To exceed our lofty goal, we need other members of our Benteen Community to help us reach our Race2Read goal of 258,000 minutes by the end of May 2023. All a person needs to do is follow the directions below:


    1. Enter this URL: https://Race2read.beanstack.org/365
    2. Click Register an Individual or Family, using your personal email address (you can also register family members and friends)
    3. To log in your minutes, click on Benteen Elementary School, when asked to select a school
    4. Click on the orange Log Reading tab, in the upper left corner
    5. Click on the Clock, it will ask you, What would you like to read?, your answer is minutes
    6. Using the Calendar that appears, click the date that you read
    7. Under Time Spent Reading, type the total time read, i.e. 34m, or 1h, or 2h20m
    8. Next to the word, Title, type the title of your book , magazine, newspaper, comic book, etc. You do not need to enter the Author, this will automatically populate
    9. Then click on the orange Log button, and you have just logged in your Race2Read minutes


    There is also a Beanstack app that is attached to the APS Race2Read, and it has a timer included to help keep track of how long you read. Visit the iOS App Store or the Google Play Store to find the Beanstack app for your convenience. I am enjoying mine!


    And just keep reading!  Just keep reading!  Just Keep Reading!