• Accessing Comprehension and Communication in English State to State for English Language Learners (ACCESS for ELLs)


    More info from GADOE

    WIDA website


    ACCESS for ELLs is an English language proficiency test designed to measure English learners’ social and academic proficiency in English.  This assessment is used to determine the English language proficiency levels and progress of ELs in the domains of speaking, listening, reading, and writing.
    Who takes it?
    • Grades K-12 ELL students.
    When/how frequently is it taken?
    • January 16 - March 8, 2019
    • ACCESS for ELLs is administered annually.

    How is it administered?
    • Kindergarten - paper and pencil administration
    • Grades 1-5 - online administration except for writing section 
    • Grades 6-12 - online administration 
    Alternative ACCESS for ELLs

    Alternate ACCESS for ELLs is an individually administered test intended only for English learners with significant cognitive disabilities that are severe enough to prevent meaningful participation in the ACCESS for ELLs assessment. Decisions regarding a student's participation must be made by an IEP team.