Structure of the Commission

    There shall be a Budget Commission of the Board consisting of the Officer shall serve as ex-officio members of the Budget Commission chairperson of the Board, a member of the Board appointed by the Chairperson of the Board to serve as the Chairperson of the Commission, and two other members of the Board. Every year, the Chairperson and other members of the Board shall be nominated by the Board Chairperson and confirmed by the members of the Board. 

    Powers of the Commission

    In the event the Board receives more money, income, or revenue from any extraordinary source, either by sale of real property, gift, grant, or otherwise, which has not been considered in the preparation of the anticipated revenues or other normal revenue in excess of appropriations, the Board may immediately allocate such increased revenue for lawful purposes. However, during the preparation of the budget for the next year, no such extraordinary revenue shall be considered as part of the normal revenue of the Board.

    Preparation of Budget

    The Superintendent shall prepare a proposed budget for review by the Board and public. In doing so, the Superintendent shall obtain or cause to be obtained from the Chief Financial Officer and the various subordinate officers of the school system estimates for matters within their jurisdiction in sufficient detail to prepare a program budget based on performance standards and other supporting data as may be necessary and proper. The proposed budget shall provide a complete financial plan for all operations of the school system and shall be based on performance standards.  

    Policy Factors

    The Atlanta Public Schools must develop a balanced budget within the framework of financial policies approved by the school board.