Parent Resources
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- Hope-Hill Elementary School
- Parents' Right to Know
Parents' Right to Know
Academic goals
APS Mission
Through a caring culture of equity, trust, collaboration, every student will graduate ready for college, career, and life.
APS Vision
A high-performing school district where students love to learn, educators inspire, families engage, and the community trusts the system.
School Goals
Elementary Middle High School administrators and the Leadership team have studied our performance data.
Goals extracted from our school-wide plan are highlighted below. By the end of the 2024-2025 school year, we will:
- By May 2025, the number of students scoring Proficient or above on ELA GMAS will increase from 17 students to 50 students.
- By May 2025, the number of students scoring Proficient or above on Math GMAS will increase from 19 students to 58 students.
- The CCRP| Attendance Rate will increase from 67.7% in May 2024 to 80.7% by the end of the 2025-2026 school year.
School Parent Compact
It is a written commitment describing how all members of a school community- parents, teachers, principles and students, agree to share responsibility for students learning. The compact helps bridge the learning connection between school and home.
Did You Know?
Parents, students, teachers and faculty members work together to develop our school-parent compact. Each school year, two meetings are held for parents, teachers and students to compare the compact with school data to review our progress and assess our goals. This compact is uniquely developed to meet the needs and goals of our school and students.
Home and School Communication
Hope-Hill Elementary school is committed to providing regular two-way communication with families about student learning through the following methods.
- Parent Portal
- Robo Calls
- Class Dojo
- Progress reports
- Follow us on Social Media
Parent Outreach Opportunities
There are many opportunities for parents to be involved and learn about Hope-Hill Elementary School whether it's through our volunteer program, field trip chaperones, or just visiting the classroom.
- Curriculum/Steam Night
- PTA / Go Team
- Parent-teacher conference
- Math and reading workshops
At home and in the community, Hope-Hill Elementary Parents and Families will:
- Develop a relationship with my child's teachers at the beginning of the school year to bridge learning from school to home.
- Register and utilize Infinite Campus Parent Portal to monitor my child's progress weekly.
- Ensure my child completes homework and all forms are signed.
- Ensure my child reads at home daily for (20) minutes with a family member or guardian.
- Monitor Accelerated Reader progress and Support IXL.
- Participate in Curriculum Night, Parent-Teacher conferences and at least 60% of family engagement workshops/sessions.
- Volunteer at school at least twice per month.
- Join the BPA PTA and attend at least 2 meetings per quarter.
Teachers and Staff
On Hope-Hill Elementary School's campus and in classrooms, teachers and staff will:
- Provide critical thinking skills activities in reading/literacy for phonics, phonemic awareness, vocabulary, fluency, decoding and comprehension.
- Provide the Accelerated Reader progress monitoring software.
- Provide information and family workshops geared to improve parent tutorial skills.
- Provide family meetings for feedback, workshops and events to help families understand and assist in decision-making activities regarding school and district goals.
- Maintain a school library filled with printed materials interesting to our children to foster engagement and love of reading.
- Provide opportunities for parents to engage in volunteering.
At home and at school, Hope-Hill Elementary School students will:
- Review academic progress bi-weekly.
- Participate in Literacy, Science, Social Studies and Math Clubs.
- Excel in Math Facts i.e. Consider including all basic operations.
- Utilize complete thoughts and sentences when speaking and writing.
- Read with parents and peers at least twice a week.
- Check out and return books from school and local libraries.