Midtown Cluster Planning
Questions? Contact
To ensure every student will graduate ready for college and career. VISION
Midtown Cluster Plan
Chair: Tamara Jones, Cluster Rep - Midtown High School
Vice-Chair: Melissa Clark, Cluster Rep - Virginia Highland Elementary
Secretary: Lynley Teras, Cluster Rep - Mary Lin ElementaryMEMBERS
Hope-Hill Elementary: Keisha Gibbons, Principal & Derrick Ross, Cluster Representative
Mary Lin Elementary: Denise Bringslid, Principal & Lynley Teras, Cluster Representative
Morningside Elementary: Audrey Sofianos, Principal & Chappelle Washington-Freer, Cluster Representative
Springdale Park Elementary: Dr. Jennifer Toney, Principal & Tim Langan, Cluster Representative
Virginia-Highland Elementary: Terry Harness, Principal & Melissa Clark, Cluster Representative
Howard Middle School: Tekeshia Hollis, Principal & Deonne Malick El-Deiry, Cluster Representative
Midtown High School: Dr. Betsy Bockman, Principal & Tamara Jones, Cluster Representative
Centennial Academy: Jessica Olowoyo
Kindezi Old Fourth Ward: Faith Wilbanks
2024-2025 Meeting Artifacts
2023-2024 Meeting Archive
Facilities Updates Archive: Midtown Cluster
January Update
October 20th: Presentation, Recording
Frequently Asked Questions
September 29th Presentation, 1pm Recording, 6pm Recording
Letter from the Superintendent (English, Spanish)
March 30, 2021: Please find the presentation from this session here and the full recording here
Frequently Asked Questions: Review questions and answers from the February 25th meeting here
February 25, 2020: Conversation on the Future Use of Inman MS (6pm, Inman MS Cafeteria): The community will review enrollment projections and current building capacities in order to review the pros and cons of potential solutions to address capacity challenges in the Grady Cluster. Slides here . Notes here
January 21, 2020: Grady Cluster Advisory Team (CAT): This CAT meeting recapped the Facilities process, the long range planning that we’ve done so far (2018-2019), and heard from the CAT ideas for the future use of Inman. Those ideas will inform the Grady cluster community conversation on February 25, 2020 (6pm) at Inman MS.
- The district is currently developing a Facilities Master Plan. This plan will be district-wide and information can be found here
- The Grady Cluster has had a number of conversations over the past year regarding facilities. Below is current information on the process and decisions:
- Key Messages: Morningside (including the K-Center) is moving to Inman MS building temporarily during renovations; the Administration is recommending using the K-Center for Springdale Park to address capacity challenges; the future use of Inman MS building has not been decided and is part of the district Facilities Master Planning Process; and a summary of engagement opportunities.
- Key Message: Morningside K-Center is relocating with the rest of Morningside ES to the Inman MS building during renovations
- Key Message: No decision has been made on the future use of Inman MS building, as it is part of the district Facilities Master Planning Process
- December 19, 2019 Communication: http://bit.ly/GradyClusterUpdate1219
- November 12, 2019 Communication: http://bit.ly/2pd5bmZ
- October 25, 2019 Communication: