- APS Division of Finance
- Timely Announcements
MetroArea Equitable Services Consultation District Invitation
The Office of Federal Programs invites representatives of your private school to attend the MetroArea Initial Consultation Meeting for Equitable Services. The meeting will provide information about various federally funded programs and the process in which non-profit private schools may participate in such programs during the 2025-2026 school year.
In accordance with ESEA sections 1117 and 8501, Local Educational Agencies (LEA), which include school districts, are required to contact private schools annually regarding the provision of equitable services, which includes consultation and planning prior to the start of the next school year.
- For Title I, Part A, LEAs must invite private schools (located within or outside of the LEA and the state) with students residing within the LEA’s geographical boundaries.
- For Title VIII (Title I, Part C; Title II, Part A; Title III, Part A; Title IV, Part A), LEAs must invite private schools located within the LEA’s geographical boundaries.
- For Title VIII (Title IV, Part B), LEAs, Community-Based Organizations (CBOs), and the Institute of Higher Education (IHE) must invite private schools located in the geographical boundaries of the attendance area served by the grant program.
Initial Consultation Meeting Information:
Consultation for services occurs in the school year prior to the start of services. Federal laws and regulations also outline topics that LEAs are required to review and explain in consultation. You are invited to meet with LEA officials to discuss equitable services under ESEA for the next school year on Wednesday, December 11th, virtually from 10:00–11:30 AM.
If you are interested in participating in any of the federally funded programs listed for the 2024-2025 school year, please click on the link below to register and indicate whether or not your school intends to participate in equitable services in the 2025-2026 school year.
MetroArea Registration Link - Click this link or scan the QR code below to complete the registration form.
You may also reply to the invitation in the Equitable Services for Private Schools (ES4PS) Application. If you are unable to attend the November 10th initial consultation meeting and are interested in participating in equitable services, please indicate that in the link above. A district representative will be in contact with you to make different arrangements. Please register for the MetroArea Equitable Services Consultation Meeting by Friday, December 6, 2024.
We look forward to you participating in the MetroArea consultation meeting. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to get in touch with one of the district representatives listed below.
District Contact Information for Equitable Services
Atlanta Public Schools
Sherry Davis: 404.802.2408, shgdavis@atlanta.k12.ga.us
Margaret McKenzie (Title III): 404.802.7583, mamckenzie@atlantak12.ga.us
SY 2024-2025 Right to Know Notification
The Right to Know Notification informs parents that they have the Right to Know and request the Professional Qualifications of their child's teachers and paraprofessionals.
- In Georgia, notification requirements apply to all LEAs and schools/programs within each LEA.
- LEAs must notify all parents annually at the start of school (within 30 calendar days of the start of school) or upon enrollment.
- LEAs must use the language of the law.
- LEAs must maintain records of the notification.
Click here to access the district's Parent Right to Know Notification.
ATTENTION PRIVATE SCHOOLS...We have an exciting opportunity for private schools to receive grant funds to support the health and safety of students in the upcoming school year. Register below to learn more about this opportunity.