Students may only ride their bus home to their assigned stops. Buses cannot transport students to other individuals' homes for playdates, doctor appt, etc. due to capacity and safety.
Pick-up & drop-off times are approximate, as they are affected by traffic patterns, weather, & ridership.
Bus riders are expected to obey the rules of safe conduct, which is enforced by the bus driver.
To inquire about bus delays, please check APS Bus Delays or call the main office.
Email APS Transportation with any concerns or questions.
Eligible new riders should complete the APS New Student Bus Rider Form & submit it to SPARK. This is only for students who start after the first day of school.
Here Comes the Bus
Wondering where your child's bus is? Download the "Here Comes the Bus" app to get real time updates!
Review the flyer below to learn more or CLICK HERE to visit the APS Transportation Website