Transportation at SPARK

  • SPARK offers a variety of transportation methods to best suit your families needs. 

    Morning Transportation Methods:

    • Walkers/Bike Riders
    • Friday Walking School Bus - CLICK HERE to learn more
    • Carpool
    • Bus - CLICK HERE to learn more

    Afternoon Transportation Methods:

    • Walkers/Bike Riders
    • Carpool
    • Bus - CLICK HERE to learn more
    • Afterschool Programs - CLICK HERE to learn more


  • Your child may enter the building as early as 7:15 A.M. Do NOT leave your child unattended outside of the building prior to 7:15 A.M. There are no staff members present to monitor your child's safety. If your child arrives after 7:45 they will be marked tardy (unless your child's bus is delayed). 

    Morning Walkers & Bike Riders:

    • For families who are walking or biking with their children to school in the morning please adhere to the following rules. 
    • Families may arrive at any time between 7:15 and 7:45am.  Please use the crosswalks where there is an APS Crossing Guard so you and your children can safely cross over Briarcliff road or Ponce De Leon Avenue.  
    • For families who walk from the Ponce De Leon avenue side of the school, you may walk your child to the gate. Please do not come onto campus or wait in the cafeteria courtyard area. 
    • For families entering on the Briarcliff side, you may walk your child to the Gym side gate only. Past the gate is a student and staff only area. We are asking parents to make this as easy on us as possible by abiding by these rules. 
    • Once students pass the gate, they will proceed down the side of the building to reach their entrance. Teachers and staff will be placed throughout the campus to assist our kids in getting to their classrooms safely.


    Morning Carpool: 

    • Families may pull up in our carpool lane at any time before 7:15am but please do NOT let your child out of the car until it is 7:15am. We want to make sure that your child is safe at all times, teachers are assigned morning duties at 7:15am precisely.  If you let your child out before 7:15am, we will not have appropriate supervision in place. 
    • Carpool drop off starts at 7:15 a.m. and ends at 7:45 a.m. To help with the anticipated increase in morning carpool families, we ask that you do your best to drop students off at the times listed below.
    • Please say goodbyes and have children ready to exit in the morning. This is not the time to review homework, have children eat breakfast, sign permission slips, fix hair or open the trunk or back hatch, etc. Please remember that carpool is not a parent/teacher conference time. If you need to speak to a teacher, please schedule an appointment.
    • Please unlock doors and have children start to unbuckle their seatbelts as you enter the carpool area. At dismissal, children may buckle seatbelts by stopping at the end of the drive before entering Briarcliff Road. Remember, only RIGHT turns are permitted.
    • Children may only depart and enter the vehicle on the passenger side. Please make appropriate accommodations if you have car seats. Parents must stay inside the car in the carpool line. If you need to get out of your vehicle, please park your car in a parking spot. Under no circumstances should parents park in the carpool lane. 
    • Please be alert and follow the instructions of the carpool assistants. If someone asks you to move to improve the flow, please oblige. Opening and closing the doors is a courtesy and may not always be available. Again, please remember to have your doors unlocked.
    • Be a follower: Follow the car ahead of you as we are filling up the carpool lane. When one car breaks the routine, others follow, chaos ensues, and you get out later, not sooner.
    • We also love our furry family members, but please keep pets in vehicles. Pets are not allowed on the school property. Please do not let any pets out of the car or hang out the vehicle windows. There are children, staff and parents who are uncomfortable around animals and who have allergies. This also poses a safety risk. You are liable for any accidents or injuries.


  • Dismissal begins at 2:45. 

    Afternoon Walkers Bike Riders:  

    • Parents will retrieve their kids from the gymnasium using the side entrance. 
    • Bike Racks are located at the front of the school and at the cafeteria courtyard if you plan on leaving your child’s bike locked up throughout the school day.
    • For afternoon pickup, SPARK utilizes the PikMyKid app. CLICK HERE for more information. 

     Afternoon Carpool:

    • Each year carpool parents are given two (2) carpool hang tags. The hang tags have a visible carpool number listed. 
    • For afternoon pickup, SPARK utilizes the PikMyKid app. CLICK HERE for more information. 

    Afterschool Care:

    • For parents who registered their child with “SPAS” afterschool, students will be picked up by their SPAS teacher from their homeroom classrooms. 
    • For students who attend an off-site afterschool option, they will be escorted to their van by a teacher. 
    • CLICK HERE for more information about afterschool options