• Welcome to Career Technical & Agricultural Education !


     What is CTAE?

    Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) pathways help students successfully enter the workforce or transition into post-secondary education by providing classes with rigorous academic standards, hands-on projects and labs.  These opportunities include, but are not limited to, advanced curriculum, Dual Enrollment, Work-Based Learning, career awareness, career exposure and employability skill development. Helping students become successful in today’s world of work is vital for Georgia, and that is why CTAE offers students the opportunity to gain a solid foundation of knowledge and skills before they even leave high school! From Biotechnology, Sports Medicine, and Graphic Design to Programming, Engineering and Marketing, CTAE pathways enable students to explore a variety of careers through classwork and real-world experience to jumpstart their future!


    Booker T. Washington High School is proud to offer students the opportunity to participate in the following pathways:


    Culinary Arts

    Business / Computer Science Education


    Sports Medicine
