• Work-Based Learning

    Work-Based Learning is a program within the Career, Technical and Agricultural Education (CTAE) Department that provides students with the opportunity to learn a variety of skills by expanding the classroom into the community and narrowing the gap between theory and practice through rigorous academic preparation with hands-on career development experiences. Through WBL experiences, students are afforded the opportunity to connect classroom instruction to the world of work and future career opportunities

    In Atlanta Public Schools, our mission is that “With a caring culture of equity, trust and collaboration, every student will graduate ready for college, career and life”. We believe CTAE programs and WBL experiences are a cornerstone for preparing students to be College and Career Ready!

    The mission of the Work-Based Learning Program is to assist in providing a highly trained, technologically sophisticated and career oriented young work force. This is accomplished by developing partnerships between business, industry, students, parents, school systems, coordinators, and post-secondary institutions which will lead the participating student into meaningful careers.


    WBL Benefits Students, Employers, and the Community!

    One of our work-based learning program goals is to benefit students, as well as employers and our community!


    • Exposure to various career opportunities
    • Earn high school credit
    • Connection between educational and work experiences
    • Promotion of self-confidence at school and work
    • Expansion and refinement of their technical skills
    • Development and practice of positive work-related habits and attitudes such as responsibility, critical thinking, problem-solving and team work 


    • Skilled, motivated, and pre-screened employees
    • Ability to provide students with a better understanding of a career field
    • Opportunity to influence student development to meet industry requirements
    • Expanded pool of qualified applicants
    • Opportunity to provide meaningful contribution and/or partnership with local school/system
    • Potential to earn Worker’s Compensation Insurance Discounts (GA HB 402)


    • Development of a skilled work force
    • Enhanced youth employability
    • Economic growth through an expanded skilled workforce and taxpayer base


    For more information on Work-Based Learning, please contact Dr. Shamilleon Payne at (404) 802-5878 or shamilleon.payne@atlanta.k12.ga.us