- Facilities Service Center
- Facilities Master Plan
Facilities Services
Page Navigation
- Overview
- Senior Executive Director, Daniel Drake
- Leadership Team
- Management, Administration & Field Services Dream Team
- General Services Schedules
- Redistricting
- Security Vestibule
- QR Air Purification System
- Resources/Standards
- Request For Proposals (RFPs)
- School Renovations and Relocations
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- FMX- Facilities Customer Service Request & Tutorials
- Facility Assessment Reports
- Carver Cluster
- Douglass Cluster
- Towns ES
- Midtown Cluster
- Jackson Cluster
- Mays Cluster
- North Atlanta Cluster
- South Atlanta Cluster
- South Atlanta HS Interior Design
- Therrell Cluster
- Washington Cluster
- Other
- Energy and Environmental Services
- APS Utilities Dashboard
- Water Testing
- School Use Permits - SchoolDude
- FMX Work Order Request
- Articles
- Facilities Master Plan
- Community Conversations
- Board Retreat and Presentations
- Scenario Detail Maps
- Surplus/Excess Properties
- Excess Properties AUDC
- Surplus/Excess Property Updates
Facilities Master Plan (2019 - 2023)
Board Approved Phase I Elementary School Zones Board Approved Phase I Elementary School Zones
Superintendent’s FMP Phase 1 Recommendations
Superintendent’s Phase 1 Recommendations (Final Approval), Monday, August 08, 2022 @ 6:30 PM: Superintendent’s Phase 1 Recommendations (Final Approval)
Superintendent’s Phase 1 Recommendations Presentation (Update), Monday, June 06, 2022 @ 6:30 PM: Superintendent’s FMP Phase 1 Recommendations Presentation (Update)
Superintendent’s Phase 1 Recommendations Presentation, Monday, May 16, 2022 @ 6:30 PM: Superintendent’s FMP Phase 1 Recommendations Presentation
Monday, May 16, 2022 @ 1 PM Presentation recording: https://drive.google.com/file/d/18piQbQW9sZhq2_m6mCpqCBho5uXcSDU6/view?usp=sharing
Superintendent’s Recommendation, Monday, May 2, 2022: Superintendent’s FMP Phase 1 Recommendations
- Maps:
- Superintendent's Recommendation (Midtown Elementary Schools): https://apsschools.maps.arcgis.com/apps/presentation/index.html?webmap=97ce39b86c4d4245a6472fe8e32926bb
Sizemore Group’s FMP Phase 1 Recommendations
Superintendent’s Report – April 15, 2022: Sizemore Group’s FMP Phase 1 Recommendations
- Maps:
- April 15 Sizemore Recommendation (Midtown Elementary Schools) : https://apsschools.maps.arcgis.com/apps/presentation/index.html?webmap=cf65a025464e4800a1011b269344f46d
- April 15 Sizemore Recommendation (Centennial Academy K8 & Dunbar ES): https://apsschools.maps.arcgis.com/apps/presentation/index.html?webmap=798a43b5040f429285dcc2de0d03058b
Upcoming Community Meetings (check back often)
Upcoming Board Retreats (check back often)
Periodically, Atlanta Public Schools performs a comprehensive Facilities Master Plan to guide decisions about schools, other buildings, and sites owned by APS.
The Facilities Master Plan process is guided by goals and guidelines set forth by the APS Board of Education. In 2019, APS hired a team to help develop recommendations for the Facilities Master Plan. The team that was hired is comprised of Sizemore Group, Bleakly Advisory Group, Sycamore Consulting, and HL Strategy, which works in close collaboration with APS staff. The process is informed by the APS strategic plan as well as APS policies and goals related to the Facilities Master Plan - and seeks to engage the community in various ways. The Facilities Master Plan process includes examining APS school facility capacity as well as a demographic study to help forecast trends and determine where the school-age populations are increasing or declining.
The completed Facilities Master Plan will make recommendations to address capacity and enrollment in APS facilities over the next five (20256-20267 school year) and ten years (2026-2027 school year). It will include recommendations for the best and highest uses for district properties and a property disposal plan.
Community Input
The entire community is encouraged to participate, ask questions, and share ideas and concerns throughout the process. Three rounds of regional community conversations and one round of cluster-specific conversations are scheduled across the district. Additionally, the community is encouraged to provide feedback and share ideas through the APS Let’s Talk portal, available 24 hours a day.
The current Facilities Master Plan timeline includes presenting school scenarios to the APS Board of Education in March 2022. Following review by the APS Board of Education, the scenarios will be shared with the public during Community Conversations with all APS clusters in March 2022.
Capacity Interactive updated map
Current Capacity (October SY21-22)
Scenario Detail Maps
Scenario Diversity Impact
Cluster Overviews
Douglass, BEST, CSK Facilities Overview
North Atlanta Facilities Overview
South Atlanta Facilities Overview
Washington Facilities Overview
- Maps: