- DT Howard Middle School
- 2024-2025 GO Team
D.T. Howard GO Team
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David T. Howard
2024-2025 GO Team Information
GO Team Members
Name Officer or Representative Position Role Email Address Tekeshia Hollis Principal tqhollis@atlanta.k12.ga.us Doug Brooks Parent/Guardian doug@douglasbrookslaw.com Deonne Malick El-Deiry Parent/Guardian dmegoteam@gmail.com Shalanda Miller Parent/Guardian Shalanda.Miller@gmail.com Regina Bryant Instructional Staff rlbryant@atlanta.k12.ga.us Sudie Nolan-Cassimatis Instructional Staff sudie.nolan@atlanta.k12.ga.us Marquita Moore Instructional Staff marquita.moore@atlanta.k12.ga.us Heena Patel Community Member heena985@gmail.com Boyd Baker Community Member boyd@sumowriter.com Andrew Anglin Swing Seat andrew.anglin@atlanta.k12.ga.us Meeting Schedule
Meeting Date Meeting Time Time Allotted for Public Comment (Yes or No) Link to view virtually (required) & Location if hybrid Meeting Notice Meeting Agenda Meeting Summary or Draft Minutes Meeting Recording Presentation & Meeting Documents Approved Minutes 08/20/24 4:45 PM No and also in the Media Center
Meeting Notice Meeting Agenda Video Presentation Approved Minutes 09/19/24 4:45 PM Yes Virtual Meeting Notice Meeting Agenda Draft Minutes Video Approved Minutes 10/08/24 4:45 PM Yes David T. Howard YouTube Channel Meeting Notice Draft Minutes Presentation Approved Minutes 12/2/24 4:45PM Yes David T. Howard YouTube Channel Meeting Notice Meeting Agenda Draft Minutes Presentation 01/28/25 4:45 PM Yes Virtual Meeting Notice Meeting Agenda Presentation 02/11/25 4:45 PM Yes Virtual Meeting Notice Meeting Agenda 03/11/25 4:45 PM No David T. Howard YouTube Channel 04/22/25 4:45 PM Yes David T. Howard YouTube Channel Public Comment Protocol
- Meetings will follow a blended model of in-person and virtual formats.
- Public comment will be available at every meeting where it is permitted.
- Everyone wishing to provide public comment must sign up virtually, whether they are attending in person or virtually. To provide public comment please use the link.
- Virtual sign up will be available one week prior to the meeting and will close 24 hours before the meeting.
- Public comment will be held at the end of the agenda.
- Each speaker will be given two minutes to speak, and there will be a total of 20 minutes alloted for public comment.
As outlined in the GO Team Handbook, GO Teams establish their Public Comment Protocol at the first meeting of the year. At this meeting, the David T. Howard GO Team will establish a public comment protocol that will be publicly posted and followed for any future meeting with time allotted for the public to provide comments to the GO Team.
To provide your comment for the David T. Howard Go Team meetings, please complete the form.
Strategic Plan
(insert strategic plan or a link to the strategic plan)
Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule
Committee Meeting Date Committee Meeting Time Link to view virtually (required) & Location if hybrid Committee Meeting Notice Committee Meeting Agenda Committee Meeting Report Committee Meeting Documents For information about GO Teams and GO Team resources, please visit the District GO Team website by clicking on the image below.