Student & Family Health/Wellness

  • Viral Solutions

    Weekly COVID Testing @Howard

    Atlanta Public Schools (APS) is continuing its effort to keep everyone in our schools and buildings safe by making COVID-19 Surveillance Testing available to all students and staff. COVID-19 Surveillance Testing is a non-diagnostic test that detects the presence of COVID-19 even in individuals who may be asymptomatic. The benefits of surveillance testing include allowing APS to test, receive test results (within 24 hours) and notify individuals of a clinically significant reading before coming to school or work.

    APS Surveillance Testing Video  Learn more about the Surveillance Testing process in this video.

    While participation in surveillance testing is not required for students, it will be strongly encouraged. The success of this mitigation strategy, and the District’s ability to return and keep students in school, is based on high levels of staff and student participation. APS is exploring all options as it relates to the administration of surveillance testing for staff and will be providing staff training, information sessions, and other staff engagement opportunities as part of this process. Learn more by reviewing our frequently asked questions.

    Read the Privacy Policy for COVID testing here (haga clic aquí para español)

    Complete your COVID Testing Consent Form:

  • Healthcheck

    For in-person families/students: When entering students will get temperature taken in cafe (bus rider) or front lobby (car/bike rider) and be given their room number. Staff will be there to show students to their room. We will have general & classroom orientations/reminders next week.

    We want every in-person family to use HealthCheck.

    You can also search HealthCheck app by Stratum and download the app for Apple App Store (iPhone) or the Google Play Store (Android).

    Grade Level Facility Codes:

    • Grade 6: A156306
    • Grade 7: A156307
    • Grade 8: A156308


  • APS Safety & Cleaning Protocols

    The district’s goal has always been to strive for a return to in-person instruction as soon as the public health data indicates that it is safe for students, teachers, and staff to return to school buildings. From the start, the Facilities Department has been diligent in cleaning, sanitizing, and preparing our classrooms and buildings for in-person teaching and learning. Some of these efforts include:

    • Cleaning and sanitizing our schools and buildings*
    • Adding hand sanitizing stations in common areas
    • Installing wall-mounted sanitizer and paper towel stations in each core classroom
    • Adding disinfectant towels in each classroom
    • Increasing pre-occupancy and post-occupancy HVAC run times from two hours to three hours
    • Initiating a weekly water flushing plan during building low occupancy periods
    • Conducting high touch common area wipe downs for at least two cycles daily and monitoring hand soap and paper towel stocks throughout the day
    • Conducting facility wipe downs during nightly cleaning
    • Implementing restorative cleaning operations post-COVID-19 exposure
    • Taking water fountains offline and installing water bottle coolers
    • Utilizing deep cleaning of facilities when students and staff are not present in buildings
    • Adding response protocols for facilities impacted by COVID-19
    • Implementing visitor protocols to APS facilities
    • Limiting the use of APS facilities by outside organizations

    Full details about APS plans can be found here.