• All students must be signed out by parent, legal guardian, or other person identified during registration. 

    • An "Early Dismissal" note should be provided to the front office staff at the beginning of the day, and your child will then be issued a permission slip to be excused to the office at the designated time.
    • Upon arrival at school, please ring the doorbell to gain entry to the main office and complete the Sign-Out form on the computer.
    • It is your child's responsibility to remember to share the dismissal slip with their teacher and come to the front office with his/her early dismissal slip at the designated time.

    Helpful hint: it is also smart to email the teacher your child has at the time of the early dismissal to give them a head's up so they can remind your child.

    If you have any questions, email the front office.




Last Modified on August 22, 2022