STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Math)
Welcome to the VHE STEAM page!
Here you'll find out more about the exciting things we're doing with our STEAM program. Working together with parents, students, teachers, administrators and our community, we are going to learn problem solving and creative thinking using robots, calculators, gaming and more. We'll be using everything from computers and water rockets to everyday items like straws, shoe boxes and pipe cleaners. Is it conventional? No. But that's how we solve the unconventional problems of the future.
What is STEAM?
The goal of STEAM is to prepare students for 21st Century workplace careers by providing high-quality educational opportunities in the science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields. In other words, we're preparing for what's ahead.
Why is STEAM important?
The problems of today are complex. More and more, solutions to those problems require a different kind of thinking that includes technology, math, engineering and science. From idea to application, from insight to innovation, the STEAM program endeavors to teach skills that work to prepare our kids for our world.
What's the big idea?
STEAM helps promote standards that are more rigorous and the concepts help us move away from the old models of asking students to define and explain. Those concepts are replaced with more engaging concepts that ask students to do more, such as construct an argument and use a model to explain, for example. We also notice the use of “obtain, evaluate, and communicate" at the beginning of each standard, and we are working to prepare students to respond to those requirements.
Keep an eye on this space.
We have so much to do and so much to show you. We can't wait to get started and fill this place with all the amazing, incredible, unusual, breathtaking, fun and educational things we are doing this year. Keep coming back for more. We're determined to change the way we learn so we can change the world!