Information Technology


    Provide every student and teacher with the innovation, information, technology, and tools that are essential for learning and excellence in the 21st century.



    Provide district and school leaders, as well as teachers and staff, with the essential structures and data neces- sary for critical decision making, academic operation, and governance.

  • We promote, provide and support: Reliable infrastructure; Data to support student achievement; Safe online environment; Connected Classroom; and Equitable access to technology.

    The department is also responsible for managing IT assets, providing first-level support through the service desk, and desk–side support to the schools through Field Support Technicians. The Information Technology Team along with other departments within the Information Technology Division, provides and supports each Division’s technology implementations and purchases. They will be identified within the areas whose team provides primary support within their team for those purchases and implementations as technology continues to provide quality support for the District’s instructional goals.