- Rivers Elementary School
- GO Team Information
Join our GO Team! Parents and staff can DECLARE their candidacy and find more information at apsstrongschools.com.
E. Rivers
2024-2025 GO Team Information
GO Team Members
Name Officer or Representative Position Role Email Address John Waller Principal John.Waller@atlanta.k12.ga.us Paige Dees Parent/Guardian paigedees@gmail.com Erica Militello Secretary Parent/Guardian elmilitello@gmail.com Khaki Janusz Chair Parent/Guardian khakiperson@gmail.com Nicole Cheroff Instructional Staff ncheroff@atlanta.k12.ga.us Wendy Sanders Vice Chair Instructional Staff wendy.sanders@atlanta.k12.ga.us Whitney Niles Instructional Staff Amanetta Somerville Cluster Rep Community Member asomerville05@gmail.com Hersh Chopra Community Member georgiaeye@gmail.com Megan Martinez Swing Seat megan.martinez@atlanta.k12.ga.us Meeting Schedule
Meeting Date Meeting Time Time Allotted for Public Comment (Yes or No) Link to view virtually (required) & Location if hybrid Meeting Notice Meeting Agenda Meeting Summary or Draft Minutes Meeting Recording Presentation & Meeting Documents Approved Minutes 8/28/2024 3:30PM Zoom Link & Room 1111 8/28/24 Minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch? v=5-zmaxPmZ90 Principal Update 9/23/2024 3:30PM Yes Zoom Link & Room 1111 9/23/24 Minutes https://youtu.be/Vhzv8VoZkEw Principal Update 10/21/2024 3:30PM Zoom Link & Room 1111 10/21/24 Minutes https://youtu.be/HK1FgzudXfY Principal Update 11/18/2024 3:30PM Yes Zoom Link & Room 1111 11/18/2024 Minutes https://youtu.be/T9QMu5Omtd0 Principal Update 1/27/2025 3:30PM Zoom Link & Room 1111 1/27/25 Minutes https://youtu.be/J2efvQatffk Principal Update 2/10/2025 3:30PM Zoom Link & Room 1111 2/10/25 Budget Presentation 3/10/2025 3:30PM Yes Zoom Link & Room 1111 4/21/2025 3:30PM Yes Zoom Link & Room 1111 Public Comment Protocol
- Opportunities for public comment shall be provided at least four (4) times in a school/fiscal year and noted on the meeting agenda.
- Public comment opportunities are available for GO Teams to hear from interested members of the community. GO Team members will not provide responses or engage in direct conversation during meetings. Each GO Team may determine a consistent method for receiving public comments and for parents and other citizens to sign up to address the team, provided that the team offer at least 20 minutes of time to the public to make comments, when available, and that the public receive at least 2 business days’ notice of the protocol for signing up to speak. The E. Rivers Elementary GO Team hereby provides notice of its Public Comment protocol to the E. Rivers Community. The E. Rivers Elementary GO Team welcomes and encourages citizens to attend its meetings to become better acquainted with the programs of E. Rivers and the role of the GO Team. Unless otherwise provided by law, the GO Team meetings are open to the public. Citizens are welcome to attend the meetings but must refrain from interrupting or distracting the GO Team proceedings. For those people wishing to provide comment, designated time periods for public comment are identified on each agenda. Public comment is planned as an official agenda item of every regular meeting of the E. Rivers Elementary GO Team. Please refer to each published agenda to confirm the time period. A sign-up sheet will be available at the door and must be used by any person who wishes to speak during the public comment period. Each member of the public will have two (2) minutes to speak. At the close of the two (2) minute period, the speaker will be asked to take their seat so that others identified on the sign-in sheet can be provided with an opportunity to speak. The public comment period is designed to gain input from the public. It is not for immediate responses by the GO Team to the public comment presented. At the end of each public comment period, the period will be closed and the GO Team will move on to the next agenda item. If there are questions or information that you have for the GO Team, you may also contact one or more of the GO Team members before or after the meetings.
Strategic Plan
(insert strategic plan or a link to the strategic plan)
Advisory Committee Meeting Schedule
Committee Meeting Date Committee Meeting Time Link to view virtually (required) & Location if hybrid Committee Meeting Notice Committee Meeting Agenda Committee Meeting Report Committee Meeting Documents For information about GO Teams and GO Team resources, please visit the District GO Team website by clicking on the image below.