
  • Gifted and Talented Education

    Through advocacy and innovation, the unique needs of gifted and talented students will be recognized, valued, and nurtured so students' inspired minds are equipped to change the world.

    Welcome from your E. Rivers GATE Team  

    The Georgia State Board of Education defines a gifted student as “…a student who demonstrates a high degree of intellectual, and/or creative ability(ies), exhibits an exceptionally high degree of motivation, and/or excels in specific academic fields, and who needs special instruction and/or special ancillary services to achieve at levels commensurate with his or her abilities.”
    Atlanta Public Schools provide services for identified gifted students at all levels. The gifted program is designed to meet the very specific needs of these students and extend competencies in the areas of cognitive skills, learning skills, research and reference skills, communication skills, and metacognitive skills beyond the experience of the regular classroom.
    The Georgia State Department of Education governs the procedures for identifying and placing students in the gifted program.
    The APS Multiple Criteria Identification Process assesses students in four areas (Mental Ability, Achievement, Creativity, and Motivation) and requires that students meet minimum score levels in any three of the four areas in order to gain admittance to the gifted program. 
    The GATE at E. Rivers offers qualifying students an opportunity to develop the following skills:
    • Advanced Communication Skills (ACS):  Learners will express ideas clearly and effectively using advanced communication skills for a variety of purposes.

    • Creativity (CRT): Learners will generate and/or produce items, ideas, and solutions using creative thinking skills.

    • Creative Problem Solving (CPS) Learners will insightfully evaluate a variety of problems and arrive at innovative and reasonable conclusions.

    • Leadership (LEAD): Students will develop an awareness of leadership skills, analyze and evaluate components of leadership, and demonstrate an effective leadership style.

    • Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS): Learners will analytically critique a system or set of complex ideas, utilizing logic and reasoning skills in novel ways, to create and/or modify knowledge. 

    • Global Citizenship (GCZ): Learners will develop an awareness of global cultures, connections and issues in order to become actively engaged citizens of the world, with respect for differing values and goals.

    • Advanced Research Skills (ARS): Learners will select and explore a topic, research using a variety of sources, analyze and evaluate the information.

    • Social Emotional Learning (SEL): Learners will develop an understanding of their unique social emotional needs as a gifted learner and develop their coping and social interaction skills.

    For more information about the Gifted and Talented Program at E. Rivers, please contact Nicole Cheroff (ncheroff@atlanta.k12.ga.us)