• Volunteer Training

    Please identify your volunteer level from the list below and complete required training accordingly.

    For the safety of our children, ALL school volunteers must complete the following three steps and turn in required paperwork to the main office or email to the Welcome Desk.

    1. Review a 15 minute child abuse prevention on-line training presentation. At the conclusion of the video, complete, print out and submit this training certificate. Volunteer Training Video
    2. Submit a Volunteer Release Form to be on file with the school.
    3. Submit a copy of your driver’s license.


    Level 1 Volunteer: Non-district personnel who will have no direct interaction with students. This level requires the review of the video and to prove a copy of the following to the school: training certificate, Volunteer Release Form, and a copy of your photo ID.

    Level 2 Volunteer: Non-district personnel who will have direct interaction with students with either an APS employee or two other adults present at all times. This level requires the review of the video and to prove a copy of the following to the school: training certificate, Volunteer Release Form, and a copy of your photo ID. Additionally an online background check will be performed by school personnel.

    Level 3 Volunteer: Non-district personnel who will have direct, unsupervised interaction with students. Level 3 Volunteers must be fingerprinted by the district and have GBI/FBI criminal background checks on file prior to service.