• Cougar

    Arrival and Dismissal Policies:

    • Students are not allowed on campus before 8:50 a.m. unless they are participating in a supervised club or tutoring session. 
    • If you are checking in your child late (after 9:10 a.m.), you must park legally and come inside to check in. Be prepared to show ID. 
    • No late check-ins after 12:30 p.m.
    • If you are checking out your child early, please come to the main doors, ring the bell, and be prepared to show ID. Only those adults listed on a child's Infinite Campus profile will be allowed to check out a child from school. 
    • Once a student is checked out early, he or she may not return later that day. 
    • The latest time for early student check out is 3:15 p.m.


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