• PART-TIME ONLY - Registration Information

    Registration is open now until 9 August, 2024 (Friday). Fall AVA courses are from 1 August - 20 December, 2024.

    For more details, please reference: PART-TIME AVA FAQs


    Why should you take an AVA class?

    • Reason #1 - You failed a course or courses from the previous semester or previous year, and you did not re-enroll in the course, nor did you enroll in any credit recovery program, and so now you are in need to recover the credit and/or redo the course(s). - This is CR or Credit Recovery

    • Reason #2 - You're on-track for graduation and you are simply seeking to get ahead in your credits. You're interested in taking a course or courses that you'd ordinarily take in the next school year or next semester. Therefore, when you take a course in this manner - it allows you to advance and possibly graduate early. - This is IC or Initial Credit


    What classes can I take?

    Please check the catalog for available courses: PART-TIME AVA Course Catalog


    How do I submit an application to register for an AVA class?

    You will need to complete an online application: PART-TIME ONLY AVA Application

    1. You will need to know your NetworkID (your student email WITHOUT the @student.apsk12.org part) or Lunch Number. Please reach out to your counselor if you do not know yours.
      To find out who your counselor is and their contact information: Our Counselors

    2. You may select up to 2 courses. If you are only taking 1, select "No 2nd Course Needed".

      Course Name Explanation:
         CR - credit recovery
         IC - initial credit
         A at the end of the course name - 1st / Fall Semester portion of the course
         B at the end of the course name  - 2nd / Spring Semester portion of the course

      e.g. if you are trying to redo a course from Spring 2024, please make sure to select a course that has B at the end of the name

    3. Parents / Guardians will have to attend a MANDATORY virtual orientation:
           29 August, 2024 (Thur) - 10:00 a.m.
           12 September, 2024 (Thur) - 5:00 p.m.

    4. Once your application is successfully submitted, it will be reviewed by your assigned counselor. If you are approved to take the course, your counselor will provide you with your course(s) details.

      Please DO NOT EMAIL OR CALL counselors regarding your course approval. This is not a quick process as it involves a full review of your transcript.

    Important Dates
    24 July, 2024 - application process for 24-25 Fall Semester begins
    1 August, 2024 - all PART-TIME AVA Fall Semester courses begin, counselors will have emailed you at the email address you've listed on Infinite Campus at this point regarding your approval
    9 August, 2024 - all applications should be submitted
    27 September, 2024 - last day to drop any PART-TIME AVA course(s)
    4 October, 2024 - IF YOU ARE DOING 2 COURSES, this is the last day for you to complete your 1st course AND to reach out to Mr. Kenton Pope (kenpope@atlanta.k12.ga.us) to request activation of your 2nd course
    20 December, 2024 - all courses end and must have been completed with a grade of 70 or above in order to count as PASSED