• Arrival and Dismissal Information


    Arrival: 7:15 - 7:45 a.m.

    All walkers will be greeted at the front doors and will walk themselves to class.
    Bus riders will be greeted at the front doors as the buses arrive.
    Car riders will be greeted at their cars in our carpool lane in the rear parking lot.

    In an effort to get as many students in as quickly and safely as possible, car riders please be ready to get out of the car. If your child is in a car seat and can not unbuckle themselves, please stay in your car and to pull all the way up where a team member can assist you.

    The car rider lane cuts off at 7:45 a.m. and parents must walk their child in through the front. Those already in line at that time will still be able to enter through the cafeteria.

    Students will be allowed in their classroom beginning at 7:25 a.m. If your student arrives before 7:25 a.m., they will either wait in the cafeteria or gym if they would like to eat breakfast. Students can eat breakfast in the gym up until 7:35 a.m. If they arrive after 7:35 a.m., they will be allowed to grab breakfast and then go to their classroom to eat.

    Students will be marked tardy at 7:46 a.m. and must receive a pass from the front office before going to their classroom. 

    Dismissal: 2:15 - 2:40 p.m.

    In order for car riders and walkers to be released, the parent/guardian or approved adult must present this unique dismissal number to our staff. If you were not given a dismissal number, please let your teacher know and he or she will send it home in the next few days.

    Walker Dismissal

    Please review the revised guidelines to pick up your student:
    • Parents must form a line to provide their dismissal number to Ms. Sadiq. Once you have provided your dismissal number to Ms. Sadiq, please step aside to clear the area for arriving parents to line up. This will also allow students to exit the Music Room once dismissed.
    • Students will sit by their dismissal number inside the Music Room in order to dismiss them as efficiently as possible. 
    • Once Ms. Sadiq has the dismissal number, it is projected on the board for the students to see. We have four support persons in the room helping the younger students and/or those not paying attention to get to the door. For safety reasons, we will release 10 students at a time.
    • This entire process may take 15-20 minutes to complete once the students are cleared for dismissal. We appreciate your patience as we improve our procedures to create a safe and efficient dismissal process.

    Car Rider Dismissal

    Car riders will be dismissed from our carpool lane in the rear parking lot until 2:40 p.m. As a courtesy to cars driving down Adams Drive, please turn on your hazards if you are waiting in the car rider lane so they know to go around you. 

    Bus riders will be dismissed through the front doors in the order as the buses arrive.

    All PSC After School students will be dismissed directly to the cafeteria for PSC teacher pick-up.
    In addition, if you arrive after 2:40 p.m., all car riders and walkers have been moved to the front office. You will need to park and pick your car rider or walker up from the front office.

    If you are picking your child up early for any reason, you must pick them up by 1:35 p.m. If you can not pick them up before 1:35 p.m., they will be dismissed during the regular dismissal window.