• Prospective Parents

    Our Prospective Parent meeting is coming to an evening soon in March.


    2025-2026 Registration Information 
    Registration opens March 10.
    Our Kindergarten and new students must live within the Bolton Academy zone to register at Bolton Academy. You can see if you currently live in the Bolton Academy zone by entering your home address HERE or click HERE to see the most recent zone map. Please note that all incoming Kindergarten students need to register; this includes our current Pre-K Bolton students. To apply for Kindergarten, you must meet the following age requirement:
    Kindergarten:  Age 5 by September 1st, 2025
    Click HERE for registration information from APS
    Once you have completed the online registration, please email your 5-digit application code to Ms. Gabriel at megabriel@apsk12.org. If you don't recognize your 5-digit code, please see below for instructions on how to find it in your email.

    Once you begin the enrollment process, you should receive an email from sisdatareporting@atlanta.k12.ga.us with the subject: Welcome to Online Registration. Please scroll to the very bottom of this email. You will then see, “Please click the link below to begin the enrollment or re-registration process.”  Click here to start the registration process, but please make also make a note of your 5-digit application code.  This can also be found on your Online Registration Summary next to your child’s name.  This 5-digit application code is how we are able to view your registration information.  Once you have finalized your registration, please email this code to Ms. Gabriel our front office secretary at megabriel@apsk12.org. Our front office team will review all of your information to ensure we have everything we need to finalize your registration.

    During registration, you may receive a message that says, “Based on our records, your zoned school will be: We were unable to determine your assigned school.”  This is okay and you can still complete the registration process.

    For easy reference, here are the key documents you will need to register your child. You will upload them during the registration process. We recommend saving documents in advance to make the online registration process run smoothly. If an image is blurry, the front office may reach out to request an original document. 
    1. Parent's or Guardian's Driver's License or Acceptable ID (plus court papers for guardianship, if applicable)
    2. Certified Copy of Birth Certificate 
    3. Social Security Card
    4. Proof of Residency Documentation
      • Lease, deed or mortgage statement with your name and address
      • Georgia Power bill within 30 days in your name and address
      • If the lease or deed is not in your name, you will also need to submit three supporting documents in your name showing the residence property address.  Click here to see a list of approved supporting documents.
    5. Affidavit of Residency Residency Requirement Change- Effective March 14, 2022, APS is removing the requirement of an affidavit of residency for families whose name appear on the primary residency documents (lease, GA Power Bill, other utility bills). These parents will acknowledge a statement of residence within the online registration application. Going forward, the affidavit of residency will only be required if the enrolling person resides at a residence at which they are not the property owner/lessor (Living Situation #3). Please print and complete it in either English or Spanish. You must get this document notarized. You can visit your local UPS store or bank to complete this process.
    6. Certificate of Immunization (must be current - GA Form 3231)
    7. Certificate of Vision, Hearing, Dental, and Nutrition Screening (must be current - GA Form 3300)
    8. Withdraw Paper from Previous School (Not needed for Kindergarten registration)