• APS Attendance Policy

    Our Student Attendance Committee (SAC) tracks our school attendance each week. We need your help communicating with our Front Office team to make sure we code your child’s absence correctly. If we are notified of the reasons for the absences, we can excuse them immediately and avoid these types of letters. Our front office staff has the authority to change your child’s absence from Unexcused to Excused. Unfortunately, our teachers do not.

    Important Attendance Procedures:

    Soon we will be using our Robocall system to alert parents of any absences and/or tardies. If you receive one, please make sure to follow the procedures below.

    • In addition to telling your teacher(s) when your child is sick, please send an email to Ms. Gabriel at megabriel@atlanta.k12.ga.us  or send in a note to the front office within 3 days of your child's return. This does not have to be a note from a doctor’s visit, but it does need to include your child’s name, teacher, illness, and the dates they were out of school. A doctor's note is always preferred. Please refer to page 15 in the APS Student Handbook for excused absences.
    • If you are out for a family emergency, please send a note to the front office so they can determine if the absence(s) can be marked as Excused.

    COVID-19 Quarantine Guidelines

    • If your child is under quarantine from a school-exposure as a close contact or because they have COVID, we can code the absence accordingly since we are aware of your status.
    • If your child tested positive at home, we likely do not know why they are absent. Please complete the APS COVID-19 Student Self-Report Form as soon as possible. APS will then notify Bolton Academy of your status.

    Please review the information below so you understand the process the SAC must follow:

    • Three unexcused absences will generate an attendance notification letter.
    • Five unexcused absences will generate a letter requesting your presence at an attendance meeting. 
    • Eight unexcused absences will generate a letter requesting your presence at a second attendance meeting. 
    • Ten unexcused absences will require a referral to the school Social Worker to address truancy concerns.

    As a reminder, our doors close at 7:45 a.m. Parents will need to come into the building with their student(s) to check them in as tardy. To ensure safety, the buzz in system is for adult use only.

    Thank you for your attention and your cooperation to get your child to school on time each and every day!