Sutton Middle School Branding

  • The SMS brand is one that is constantly evolving. Our brand is not just our logos, spirit wear and other visuals. Our brand is the IB attributes our students, staff, and parents and guardians share with the community, and the experiences everyone has on our campuses.

    Strong visuals and brand management elevate a brand. If you need to use or create visuals for your club, event, or items related to your event, please read these visual guidelines and pay strict attention to logos, color and typefaces (fonts).

    Artwork Management, Signage, Spirit-Wear, Advertising, etc. 
    Faculty, Staff, PTA Chairs and suppliers can download brand standards, logos, typefaces (fonts) here in multiple formats for you to use. Please do not proceed with producing any artwork (even if you are picking up from a previous year) without having it approved by PTA prior to production.  

    If you have any requests, questions, or feedback, please email Amanda Fielder at
    All artwork ©Sutton Middle School. All rights reserved.