Early Dismissal Procedures
All students must be signed-out, INSIDE the front office by parent, legal guardian, or other person identified during registration.
If your child needs to be picked up before the end of the school day for a planned appointment, please complete the following steps:
Send your child with a hand-written note about the early dismissal and include the reason for the early dismissal and the time they will be picked up
Your child must bring this note to the main office and they will receive an “Early Dismissal” pass to report back to the main office at the time of departure.
Please avoid early dismissal during your child’s scheduled lunch time as they will not be able to get back into a teacher’s classroom until lunch is over to get their belongings.
Early dismissal ends at 3:30PM daily
Helpful hint: email the teacher your child has at the time of the early dismissal to give them a head's up so they can remind your child.
If you have any questions, email the front office staff.