Sandra Bonilla is thrilled to share a bit about herself. She has a bachelor’s degree in Bacteriology and Clinical Laboratory. Years later, she transitioned to the wonderful world of education. She has 2 master’s degrees, one in Spanish Language and Culture (Spain) and the second one in Early Childhood Education from Georgia State University. She’s currently entering her 26th year of teaching at APS and this is her 16th year at Mary Lin. She is very honored to have been selected Teacher of the Year 2024-2025.
She was born in New Jersey and raised in California for most of her childhood. Her parents are both retired educators from Colombia. Their love and passion for teaching inspired her to follow their path. She enjoys traveling abroad with her husband and her two children and making the best lifetime memories. She loves camping, reading, scrap-booking and being a lifelong learner. She adores animals, and for this reason she has 3 class pets; a very special turtle named Olivia and two adorable guinea pigs, Choco and Bruno.
Building a sense of community and collaboration in the classroom as well as with the families is important for students’ success. She holds all her students to high academic standards and believes she should equip them with the necessary tools to learn how to manage emotions, become problem solvers and decision makers. Ultimately, her goal is for her students to love learning and have a successful year.
She is excited and can’t wait to meet her new students this Fall!