- Mary Lin Elementary School
- Surveillance Testing
Surveillance Testing in School
Student Testing Consent Form 2021-22
Atlanta Public Schools (APS) is continuing its effort to keep everyone in our schools and buildings safe by making COVID-19 Surveillance Testing available to all students and staff through partnership with Viral Solutions LLC. COVID-19 Surveillance Testing is a non-diagnostic test that detects the presence of COVID-19 even in individuals who may be asymptomatic. The benefits of surveillance testing include allowing APS to test, receive test results (within 24 hours) and notify individuals of a clinically significant reading before coming to school or work.
While participation in surveillance testing is not required for students, it will be strongly encouraged. The success of this mitigation strategy, and the District’s ability to return and keep students in school, is based on high levels of staff and student participation. APS is exploring all options as it relates to the administration of surveillance testing for staff and will be providing staff training, information sessions, and other staff engagement opportunities as part of this process. Learn more by reviewing our frequently asked questions.
Here are the basics
- Staff and students that give consent will be tested every Friday. It is recommended that they test the entire group every week for consistency with the data tracking.
- The test is a nasal swab (not deep cavity) and it takes 10 second per person.
- The team at Viral Solutions, our partners, comes around to each class to administer the tests. This week was the first time and we were moving slowly so everyone did not get tested, but we don’t anticipate that happening again.
- The test is rapid, which means the results come in 15 minutes. This week all the people in the building tested negative.
- In the event of a positive test, we will follow the DPH guidelines of isolation for the positive person and quarantining for those with close exposure (less than feet apart for 15 minutes).
- Testing is open for ALL students. Parents of virtual students should let Nurse Henry know that they would like to be tested and we will set up an outside station.
- Any questions? Email me at sbriscoe@atlanta.k12.ga.us
- Download and complete your COVID Testing Consent Form: English | Español
- Read the Privacy Policy for COVID testing (haga clic aquí para Español)
- Learn more about Viral Solutions LLC here