- Sutton Middle School
- General Tryout Information
- Required Athletic Forms
Required Forms & Physicals
All student athletes must have a complete annual sports physical prior to participation. The only acceptable physical form is located below.
Students participating in APS Sports must have the following paperwork complete prior to tryouts:
- Medical/Physical Form
- Copy of Medical Insurance Card OR APS Sports Insurance
- Permission Slip
Students participating in PTA-sponsored sports must have the following paperwork complete prior to tryouts:
- Medical/Physical From
- Copy of Medical Insurance Card OR PTA Sports Insurance
- Signed Waiver/PTA Permission form
All physical exam paperwork and a copy of the student’s medical insurance card will be required prior to tryouts. Uninsured students who are participating in an APS sport must purchase APS sports insurance for $12 in order to participate. This $12 does not cover PTA sports insurance. In addition, proof of insurance or a signed waiver releasing Sutton and the PTA will be required for PTA and Intramural sports.
No student will be allowed to participate without the proper paperwork.
APS Permission and Pre-participation Physical Evaluation Form - 2019-2020 (*Updated: 7/26/19, this is the only physical form that will be accepted)
Physical forms and permission slips should be submitted by creating a PRIVIT account by going to https://suttonmscougars.e-ppe.com/index.jspa and entering your child's information. DO NOT leave forms at the at the main office. Students may bring their paper forms to tryouts until December 31, 2019. If you have any questions, please e-mail Dr. Billie Edwards-Rucker (biedwards@atlanta.k12.ga.us), Athletic Director for APS Sports, or Tomeka Jones (tomeka.jones@atlanta.k12.ga.us), Atheltic Director for Sutton PTA Sports.
*page updated 16 May 2017