SAT Request for Accommodations
Before students with disabilities can take the SAT, SAT Subject Tests, PSAT/NMSQT, or Advanced Placement® Exams with accommodations — such as extended time or the use of a computer — their request for accommodations must be approved by Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD).
Requests for accommodations submitted by the student’s school should follow this process:
1. Before requesting accommodations, each school designates an SSD Coordinator who requests access to SSD Online. Learn more about Getting Access to SSD Online.
2. A parent or guardian signs the Parent Consent Form (.pdf and gives it to the school’s SSD Coordinator). If the student is age 18 or older, the student signs the form. The school keeps the form for its records.
3. The SSD Coordinator opens a request for accommodations using SSD Online and enters contact information for the student as well as information regarding the student’s disability, requested accommodations, and testing or other documentation. See Submitting Requests Online for details.
4. After the request is submitted, SSD Online displays a message stating whether documentation must also be submitted. If so, the SSD Coordinator assembles documentation and checks it against the criteria for the particular disability and for the requested accommodations. Learn more about Providing Documentation.
5. The SSD Coordinator submits any required documentation to SSD by fax (using the SSD fax cover sheet), or by uploading the documentation to SSD Online. The SSD Online request and all documentation must be submitted to the College Board by the SSD deadline to ensure a decision in time for an exam.
6. SSD reviews all information thoroughly. In addition to being reviewed by qualified internal staff, the request may be sent to a panel of qualified external reviewers (for example, psychologists, doctors, and visual experts, as appropriate). The SSD Coordinator can sign into SSD Online at any time to view the status of the request.
7. The student and SSD Coordinator are notified when a decision is made. In most cases, the student is sent the decision by postal mail. Students with a College Board My Organizer account who are registered for the SAT can view their decision letter by signing into My Organizer. If the parent’s email is also associated with the student’s My Organizer account, the student and parent receive an email when the decision letter is available, not a letter. If accommodations are approved, the decision letter includes an eligibility letter, containing test-by-test details. The decision and eligibility letters also include the student's eligibility code, which is needed for SAT registration.
The SSD Coordinator is notified by email and can sign into SSD Online to read the decision letter. This information taken directly from the College Board web page:www.collegeboard.com
ACT Request for Extended Time Protocol
Steps involved in applying for accommodations for students with disabilities include the following:
1. Register online at www.act.org/aap/pdf/ExtendedTimeNational.pdf. The website explains the eligibility criteria, documentation required, registration deadlines, and how to request a test date change or re-register if you were previously approved.
2. Print Copy of the Request for ACT Extended Time National Testing Form.
3. Complete Sections A-I.
4. Student and Parent must sign and date the form (parent signature is not required if student is 18 years of age or older).
5. Submit the form to the SSD Coordinator, (Room E-218) along with a stamped envelope.
6. SSD Coordinator will mail the completed Request Form and all required supporting documents to the ACT.
If approved for extended services, the words “Extended Time” will be printed on your admission ticket. If not approved, a letter of denial will be sent explaining the decision.